Did McNamee save anything else?


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One thing bothers me about McNamee saving the old syringes supposedly used to inject Clemens with steroids and HGH. Did he save any syringes from other players he juiced, or just RC? What about syringes he says he used on Mrs. Clemens?

Doesn't it make sense that if he wanted evidence in case he was later "thrown under the bus," he should have saved evidence from Pettit, et al?

My suspicion is that when he saw how others were being hammered, he then decided to save Clemens' syringes. This revelation may have happened after he was finished with Pettit, possibly even after he was let go by the Yankees. If he had contact with Clemens after his dismissal from the Yankees, that may have been his only chance to do some cya. I think he continued as Clemens' pt after he was through with the Yankees. That provided him the oportunity.

Once again, it makes no sense for him to save Roger's syringes but nobody else's. If it was me who was that concerned about being implicated, I would thought of additonal ways to protect myself such as voice recordings.
Why didn't he bring these up before? It seems like he conveniently brought them up once his feet were to the fire. Was he going to withhold evidence?
It's plausible to think he wanted to limit the exposure of the players that he once called friends, right? Only when Clemens came out swinging did he have to respond.
I like when he said "he didn't know what a B-12 shot was."


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