I'm reading this book and it's having a profound influence on how is see the world.The Link It's depressing as all hell because it resonates with awful truth. Basically, democracy, dictatorship, kleptocracy or commuinist, governments are basically in the business of perpetuating government and those who through money, time, influence or connections can make things happen politically have power and must, truthfully, use that power to aid and enrich others with power.
Under influence of the book, I listened to a depressing NPR broadcast about Afghanistan. The author of the Forever War, Dexter Filkins, former New York Times guy now full time for the New Yorker reported on findings from a recent trip to Iraq. He said that Karzi and his buddies are getting rich from the US Military buildup and police, army suffer from lack of resources in no small part due to massive corruption. When the US military leaves, author predicts Karzi and his buddies with be jetting out about the same time to enjoy riches from secret accounts while living in nice homes they have built in Dubai, Europe and America.
What seems evil from the outside from the inside looks like just doing things the way they have to be done in fashion that is coldy rational and completely predictable.
Under influence of the book, I listened to a depressing NPR broadcast about Afghanistan. The author of the Forever War, Dexter Filkins, former New York Times guy now full time for the New Yorker reported on findings from a recent trip to Iraq. He said that Karzi and his buddies are getting rich from the US Military buildup and police, army suffer from lack of resources in no small part due to massive corruption. When the US military leaves, author predicts Karzi and his buddies with be jetting out about the same time to enjoy riches from secret accounts while living in nice homes they have built in Dubai, Europe and America.
What seems evil from the outside from the inside looks like just doing things the way they have to be done in fashion that is coldy rational and completely predictable.