surprisingly Kos is even more outraged.
here are IMO a few key parts
"This very disturbing report is all but invisible in the U.S. media. It was first reported by R.T. and ironically only the biggest boosters of the national security state, Fox News has run the story here.?"( this made me laugh)
this exerpt from chicago examniner
"January 6, 2012
To sum it up, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will keep tabs on who says what from now on. The department says that they will only scour publically-made info available while retaining data, but why invest the time, resources and especially the money towards the effort?
Over the years, without exception studies have shown that in countries where the government controls the media, citizens tend to be politically ignorant and apathetic. "
this final paragraph
Casting such a wide a net that it could potentially open up users here on Daily Kos to DHS data mining is obscene and unacceptable. We must put a halt to this assault on our first amendment rights.
Call the White House 202-456-1111
end of quotes
i wonder how many kos viewers called the white house.
I also wonder why more media aren't outraged