Destini Hooker

When she came here as a freshman, she commented that she wanted to be an All-American in three sports. She has accomplished 2 of the three. she could possibly have her 5th year as a BB player. Heather Schreiber played a 5th year as a VB player. Both BB and VB are considered major sports. Whether this has any bearing on an athlete's eligibility for a 5th year or not, I don't know. Several years ago a VB player finished the basketball season on the BB team. Destini could likely do this IF she doesn't want to jump in the spring and summer. If her idea to become a pro high jumper, she will likely be better served to jump in the spring.

Now, its anyones guess.
She spells her name Destinee. Can we respect that spelling here?

Great job in the Outdoors D! You make us proud!!

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