Dept. of Homeland Security buys 450 mil. bullets

Bevo Incognito

5,000+ Posts
High performance hollow points.

Now I may be wrong, but the DHS is not responsible for addressing national invasions or overseas wars; it exists solely for the control of internal disorder, and hollow point bullets are not intended for sharpshooting – they are designed specifically to maximize tissue damage.

The Link

Things that make you go "hmmm ...."
The "hmm" would probably be how the drug lords got all of our body armor in the first place. Gotta do something to combat it.
I don't know the first thing about this deal, but I suspect it went down like every other massive tax-dollar giveaway. The arms industry's lawyers crafted a bill whereby the US Government gives them a billion dollars for an insane amount of weaponry. Then they grease up the re-election coffers of the Congress, and they come up with a plan to sell it to the public as a positive ("We're protecting you")... just like how pharmaceutical industry sold us the prescription drug bill ("We're taking care of you!"), or the auto industry sold us cash for clunkers ("It's good for the environment!").

It's a free-for-all at the trough, and we're buying.
that is quite disturbing indeed. what possible rationale can be put forth for purchasing enough bullets to kill everyone in the U.S.? (grating a very efficient use of bullets! ; )
It's part of Phast and Phurious II. The bullets will be microstamped, sold to Mexican drug cartels, then gathered after shot to capture the bad guys.

What can go wrong with that plan?
What? Only 667 bullets per agent, per year. Every Texan worth his salt shoots lots more bullets than that every year.

But seriously, there's been a lot of speculation that the real purpose of Fast n Furious was ultimately to clamp down on firearm sales in the U.S. by blaming the gun violence in Mexico on U.S. gun dealers. Sounds like BO's method of operation, don't tackle the second amendment head on, use the back door.
the military-industrial complex is larger than the presidency, it doesn't really matter who is in office cause the machine can't be turned off.

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