Democratic Party turning 'Nixonian' - Krugman, NYT

Gimme a break.

Thank goodness no Republicans in recent memory have ever resorted to such tactics.

Unfortunately, the reality is that it is politicians, generally, that engage in this, on both sides of the spectrum.

But let's point the finger directly at the Democrats, and hatefully accuse them.

That way, one has become that which they demonize.

Krugman is at risk of sounding like a Clinton pundit. gasp.

This post at dKos draws attention to it along with print from Susan Estrich and Jerome Armstrong (blog alert):


Actually, this is a very anti-Bush/progressive columnist pointing the finger at Obama supporters. I think it is safe to say, Krugman is a Clinton supporter.

The column is interesting in its approach. It calls Obama supporters Nixonian, becoming a cult of personality, hero worshipers, venomous, . . . , and then says Democrats should avoid the "Clinton Rule" - taking anything and turning it into a negative.

He uses the Clinton Rule while railing against its use by Obama supporters. Obama supporters' criticism of Clinton becomes "venomous;" Obama supporters' enthusiasm for Obama becomes "hero worship/cult of personality."

Krugman is a classic Clinton supporter. And this is a perfect example of how Clinton supporters are attempting reshape the nomination process.
If you watched 60 Minutes last night, you saw Obama respond to the Clinton camp's assertion (attack) that he would not be able to withstand the depth of vetting and attacks from the GOP if he won the nomination. Obama pointed out, almost in an understated way, that he is facing such an onslaught currently against the Clinton machine.

When you take a step back you realize the level of calculated shrewdness in this particular Clinton attack : 1) it sounds empathic towards Obama, 2) it assumes he can't handle a fight he hasn't seen, and 3) it deflects attention from the fact that they themselves are already subjecting Obama to as an intense of a multi-fronted attack effort as he will ever face.

Krugman is evidence of that today.

I laughed at the line that the majority of venom is coming from Obama supporters...and that ladies and gentlemen is why I'll be happy to vote for Obama and not have to hear from the Clintons again. Hopefully someone will beat her out of the NY senate seat and they can be completely gone from the public site.
Krugman (who wants a job) and the rest of Clinton's remaining shills are pulling out all the stops now in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding, but it's become abundantly clear that her campaign was a big hollow-core front of bluster and money from 'Day One'. Obama got past Super Tuesday with an even split, and has kept charging, while the rest of the country is discovering that she has absolutely nothing after Feb 5 - no money, no grassroots support or real organization in any of the remaining states - because her campaign didn't think they would need it. Good luck getting such a thing off the ground at this point.

They're playing the only card they have left - Hillary as victim (again).

The tiger don't change her stripes. This is precisely the way the Clinton's have always handled pressure and rejection and criticism: lashing out, martyring themselves, and claiming that everyone's out to get them, while throwing anybody under the bus who hasn't shown complete loyalty or delivered the goods for THEM. It's how they handled their ****-ups for 8 years in the White House, and how they've handled every taste of adversity ever since. Somehow, it doesn't inspire the confidence in Democratic voters that she will be able to get anything accomplished when faced with organized and and united opposition. Go figure.

"Yes we can" and "Change" are extremely Nixonian. Krugman is either living in Seinfeld's famous bizarro world or he's a puppet of the Clinton camp trying to help Hillary salvage her campaign.
Seriously, Obama could be described in many ways but practicing in the following is not
anything that has been linked to his campaign.

In reply to:

Wahpark's last post was right on the mark.

The Clintons are all about the Clintons. They could give a ratt's a$$ about what this is all doing to the Party or the potential nominee. They want to win, and they'll take the whole damn party down with them.

There is a particular reason that there are a lot of prominent folks in Congress that support Obama over Clinton -- they remember how the Clintons screwed the Democratic Congress in 1994, and never did a GD thing to help them in 1996 or 2000.

The Clintons are slime -- and I say that as a yellow-dog Democrat.
me too Gecko.

By the way, the bit about Krugman in his bio about calling Bill O'Reilly a "quasi-murderer" is hilarious!
Funny, i didn't see Krugman's time working full time as an Enron advisor mentioned in that description of his past? Why is that glossed over? He has little room to demonize anyone.
Tres Leches, excuse me, but you are absolutely wrong. For instance, Obama has had an office off of Southmore here in Houston for some time now. What happened on Thursday is that you had NATIONAL folks, and folks from Iowa to come and do more of the heavy lifting.

Indeed, for several weeks leading up to Super Tuesday, Texas volunteers were phone banking to get out California voters.
I loved the article. It gives me confidence that they are scared shitless.

Krugman should get back to writing his 23rd article on why Hillary's health care plan to garnish the wages of those who don't buy health insurance is better than Obama's plan.

Maybe Number 24 will work.

Or maybe they should bring back Dick Morris. He could be some fun

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