Democrat Jews


Sponsor Deputy
Why would Jewish citizens continue to support liberal democrats?

All Jews should be carrying a pistol at all times.
It's the love of socialism. Most US Jews are socialists first, Jews second. Plus they convince themselves that the Jew hatred doesn't matter.

Jewish donor: "I'm interested in supporting your candidacy. What do you stand for?"

"Open borders, socialism, government control of everything, gun control, and death to Jews!"

"Hmm, I like most of those. But you don't really mean death to Jews do you?"

"Yes we do. Death to Jews!"

"Ha, I see, you have to stay in character to attract right wing conservatives. I get it. OK, I'll support you and get all my Jewish friends to as well."

"Thanks. Death to Jews!"

Look at the number of Jewish supporters of the Russian Communists. As if a, checks notes, atheist dictatorship, wasn't going to come after them as soon as they got power.

But like a moth to a flame, Jewish people will support political parties that are full of people who want them killed, as long as there's socialism involved
I saw a video on Twitter of a coed taking down pictures of missing Israelis. When confronted, she said she was a Jew! The person taking the video asked her what she thought would have happened to her had she been at that music festival that was attacked. She ignored the question and went on mumbling about oppressed Palestinians. I don’t get it. That’s almost as stupid as the LGBQT….. pro-Palestine protestors. It’s self-hatred at its finest!
My wife and I were talking about this the other day. Why are so many Jewish Americans voting for Democrats? Do they not see and hear "The Squad"?

I did see videos of students who claim to be Jewish taking down pictures of Israelis who were killed or kidnapped.

Makes no sense.
Look at the number of Jewish supporters of the Russian Communists. As if a, checks notes, atheist dictatorship, wasn't going to come after them as soon as they got power.

Jews weren't supporters of Russian Communists. They were the Russian Communists.
I'd defer to an actual Jew like NJ on this, but I suspect there is a history element here. Of course, most Jews in the US have a European background, and those European Jews were heavily associated with the political left. In Europe, the Right means nationalism, not limited government as it does in the US. Most nationalist movements in Europe were (and to some extent still are) racist and antisemitic - much more so than in the US.

Think of some of the Nazi rhetoric. "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer" (One people, one realm, one leader) or "Blut und Boden" (blood and soil). It's not about citizenship or values. It's about being racially pure and tying that racial background to a particular land. Well, that mentality wasn't unique to Nazi Germany. They just waged aggressive war to force it, but European nationalism largely shared that mentality and to some extent, still does. Well, that's going to exclude anyone who's different, including Jews, and the European Left largely didn't exclude Jews, even if it too was sometimes antisemitic. Of course, Karl Marx had a Jewish background, and Marxism and leftism in general focused on class and put less emphasis on race and religion (except to exclude it broadly). I think that made the Left a more natural fit for European Jews.

Then these Jews moved to the US after they see what they perceive as the Right murdering tons of their friends and family members. They see groups like the Klan in the South and John Birch Society throughout the country, which at least claimed to be overtly Christian and often exclusively so. Not only were Jews not Christian, they were largely secular, which made them even further removed from the Right. The American Left was less religious and supported civil rights for minorities, which I think made the Democratic Party a more natural fit for Jews.

The rise of a Jewish-friendly Right and an antisemitic Left is a fairly recent phenomenon. It's a product of Zionist Christians on the Right and the progressive Left's embrace of intersectionality (racial and gender politics) and deemphasis of class. Orthodox Jews usually do vote Republican now, but the much bigger class of secular Jews is going to be harder to attract, though I think the outward Jew-hatred of the modern Left will eventually make them at least more receptive.
Decent summary of Jewish voting, though I think it lets them off the hook far too easily for the horrid crime of supporting communism in Russia, at a time when the National Socialist movement hadn't begun.

But no, secular Jews will never vote Republican. The lure of socialism and government control of everything is too much. If the new left got their way and set up concentration camps for Jews, the Democrat party could ballot harvest there and still get their votes 3-1.

Conservatives should defend Jewish people and Israel because it's the right thing to do, though we need to avoid doing the work the Jewish people themselves won't do. It's fine to back up Jewish people when they slam colleges that host Jew hating events. But Jews themselves need to get off their butts and lead this against their fellow leftists, not stay as quiet as a church mouse and wait for conservatives to defend them, lest they lose their treasured place in the leftist world.

In any case, they'll never vote for the GOP more than the 1-3 margin of today.