Dem Indignation better than fact


This shows it is more important for Dems to get their indignation reported by media than to actually make sure you know who you are questioning:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur came to a House committee hearing on Thursday prepared to ask U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson tough questions about his involvement in the subprime mortgage crisis.

Unfortunately, she was questioning the chairman of the Federal Reserve.

The Ohio Democrat, at a House of Representatives Budget Committee hearing, said she wanted to know what Wall Street firms were responsible for the securitization of subprime mortgages.

She then asked: "Seeing as how you were the former CEO of Goldman Sachs ..." But the only person testifying at the hearing interrupted.

"No, no, no, you're confusing me with the Treasury Secretary," said Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

"I've got the wrong firm? Paulson, Oh, OK. Where were you sir?" Kaptur said.

Bernanke noted that he was head of the Princeton University economics department.

"Oh, Princeton, oh, all right, sorry. I got you confused with the other one ... I'm glad you clarified that for the record," she said."

" I got you confused with the Other one"

The Link
You dems are soooooooooooo easy.
all the usual suspects showed up altho one was a tad late
be more prompt next time

gecko You got it But you ruined a 3 in a row
I liken this tactic to Robin Williams' explanation of soccer:

"Sometimes soccer guys will do this weird thing. They'll fall down and be like "oh ****! Oh ****! I've been killed! I've been blinded! Ah........there's nobody near me, huh? Ok, I'm kidding.""