Decent shoe store in Austin


2,500+ Posts
Can anybody recommend one?

Looking for a good selection of men's shoes in large sizes. I used to buy at Larry's in Dallas but I don't go there often enough anymore.

I wear a 12.5 EE, although I will wear a 13 Wide if I have to and the cut is right, but either way it's hard to find dress shoes in my size, let alone a decent selection of them that I'd actually wear.
I wear a 15, so I know your pain. I had always heard Nordstrom was good for big shoes, but they didn't have that much selection in my size. Around your size the selection was much better. Larry's here in Dallas is awesome, but I still end up doing most of my shopping online.

Oddball Shoe Co.
Weird — I'm getting no credit for my reply on the Replies count, I guess since I replied as the post was moved. Anyhoo, you do have a reply.
I think DSW may have a decent selection of large sized shoes. I may be wrong, but I think so.

there's one near the new Home Depot off of Mopac and 183 area (it used to be near Dave and Buster's)
Same thought, different direction -- I've had Austin Shoe Hospital totally make-over some of my favorites, usually costs $35-45 for the whole shooting match. New insides, polished outsides, built-up heel, no problems. A good option if you're having a hard time finding good choices.