You are one lucky man. Very few people have their choice of colleges like you do. In a sense, you can't go wrong because college is typically the greatest time of a young person's life. It was for me at Trinity Universty long ago. But, I want you to think about what you are trying to accomplish: get a degree and become an NFL star. The University of Texas offers tremendous resources and contacts for life after football. The State of Texas is a job creating machine and the network of UT alumni will serve you well. As for football just look at how Orakpo, Houston, Miller and Kindle have blossomed under Coach Boom. Review Orakpo's career closely and see how prepared he was to dominate in the NFL. Here, you will receive state of the art coaching, become a top ten draft pick and become the toast of Texas
Stay home young man. Come to Austin and continue the recent legacy of pass rushing defensive ends at The University of Texas. This is the launching pad for all your dreams.
Stay home young man. Come to Austin and continue the recent legacy of pass rushing defensive ends at The University of Texas. This is the launching pad for all your dreams.