Discussion in 'On The Field' started by Buck-Horn, Sep 7, 2019.

  1. Buck-Horn

    Buck-Horn Guest

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  2. Detective Shilala

    Detective Shilala 2,500+ Posts

    This DBU thing is looking like a real rivalry.

    Poor aggy hahah! They wanted a rivalry with LSu so bad. We really didn’t even have to try and here we are.
    • poop poop x 1
  3. horninchicago

    horninchicago 10,000+ Posts

    If DBU means getting torched by a second year QB in a brand new offense, then Texas is definitely DBU.
  4. giveemhell

    giveemhell 1,000+ Posts

    You make it sound like the guy is practically a rookie, but he's actually a redshirt senior
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Austin_Bill

    Austin_Bill 2,500+ Posts

    To be continued in 2020.
  6. horninchicago

    horninchicago 10,000+ Posts

    In a brand new offense. he and LSU made Sam and Texas look like true freshman most of the game.

    I have a pretty good history around here of being positive. But tonight sucked. Texas got torched and made stupid coaching calls that cost them the game.
  7. horninchicago

    horninchicago 10,000+ Posts

    Next year...next year...
  8. Dionysus

    Dionysus Idoit Admin

    The two DBUs tonight gave up a combined 880 passing yards
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  9. horninchicago

    horninchicago 10,000+ Posts

    One didn't give up a game ending TD on 3rd and 17.
  10. giveemhell

    giveemhell 1,000+ Posts

    Fixed it for you
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2019
  11. horninchicago

    horninchicago 10,000+ Posts

    No, I'm being a realist.
  12. ViperHorn

    ViperHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Neither were DBU tonight.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Buck-Horn

    Buck-Horn Guest

    More like DBPU!
  14. moondog_LFZ

    moondog_LFZ 5,000+ Posts

    Sam threw for over 400 yards, I believe.
    He pretty muche equaled the LSU QB.
    Nobody made him look like anything.
    A dropped TD by Ingram.
    Can't punch it in from the one.
    Let them convert 3rd and 17.
    Just a few plays turned this game.

    And LSU players taking naps on the field.
    They really should be forced to hobble to the sideline and stretch out the cramps there.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  15. 2003TexasGrad

    2003TexasGrad Son of a Motherless Goat

  16. horninchicago

    horninchicago 10,000+ Posts

    Naturally, I was ticked after the game. But, my point was that LSU was running a new offense and they executed it better than Texas did with Ehlinger being in his 3rd year in the same system.
  17. Buck-Horn

    Buck-Horn Guest

    Interesting that Coach O was LSU’s 2nd choice (behind Herman) & seemingly got sloppy seconds. He’s also in in 3rd year. We’ll see in late November who got the best ROI to date through 3 years....
  18. Vol Horn 4 Life

    Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest!

    Herman hands down. Charlie really screwed this program up and left the program completely in the gutter. Herman just went toe to toe with LSU and beat Georgia and that is a huge improvement. Coach O took over a program in much, much, much better shape. He has improved them, but it's marginal compared to the magic Herman has cast in the same time. I have a feeling both coaches may have a championship in the future.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  19. Buck-Horn

    Buck-Horn Guest

    I generally agree, but we will know more in a year or 2. My point is that if you are an LSU fan, you would be very proud of their underdog coach. And if you are an LSU fan, would you trade Coach O for Herman right now? And if the game had gone our way last night, I think many a horn fan would be gloating right now that we have the better coach....which we may well have. Scoreboard W’s matter...not moral victories! Trying to look at this irony without orange glasses.

    An interesting LSU perspective in this regard.....

    Rabalais: For LSU, a landmark win; for Ed Orgeron? A Texas-sized helping of validation
    • Like Like x 3
  20. MajesticII

    MajesticII 1,000+ Posts

    "Just a few plays turned this game." THAT is true for EVERY game. A few plays determine the winner whether those few plays cause the final result like last night or those few plays start the *** kicking in a blowout game...A few plays determine the winner no matter how many plays are run.
  21. 2003TexasGrad

    2003TexasGrad Son of a Motherless Goat

    In close toss up games I agree. But not ALL games. Texas very easily could have won this game.
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  22. BurntOrangeLH

    BurntOrangeLH 2,500+ Posts

    Still part of the total regardless when it hapened in the game.
  23. BurntOrangeLH

    BurntOrangeLH 2,500+ Posts

    Burrow had more time, took slightly riskier throws. He almost always went through all his reads before he threw if he had the time.
  24. horninchicago

    horninchicago 10,000+ Posts

    I suppose a game ending TD could come at any point. I didn't look back but I think I was responding to someone saying neither team looked like DBU Saturday. My comment was not meant to suggest otherwise, but the timing of our DBU collapse was monumental to the outcome.
  25. horninchicago

    horninchicago 10,000+ Posts

    Burrow had more time? One of the shining aspects of the game was the OL play, by most accounts. Ehlinger had a lot of time. I didn't time each play by each team to see who had more time.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  26. Chop

    Chop 10,000+ Posts

    I'd take Herman over Ed O.

    I'd take LSU's DC over ours.

    Easy choice in both instances.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  27. BurntOrangeLH

    BurntOrangeLH 2,500+ Posts

    There is no argument that the designation DBU was founded at Texas by Duane Akina and his group of DBs earlier this Century.

    Ask Michael Huff, Michael Griffin orvAhmad Brooks. Rod Babers mentions in the Texas Sports article that Akina asked him if he wanted to be part of DBU in 1999-2000.

    Anyone else using it is plagiarizing because they are too dumb to create a name for their group of past and current DB.

    End of story. It belongs to Texas because they created it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  28. utempire

    utempire 1,000+ Posts

    I thought we gave their receivers too much cushion which is a coaching issue. But I get that our corners are young, so they are going to get beat at times. Our D needs to get set much faster than they did Saturday as they were caught not being set many times. They should be in a hurry up mode like the offense. lsu neutralized much of our hurry up and momentum by faking injuries which is bush league. There's no point in running a hurry up offense if it's neutralized this way. Players should sit out a series or longer if they are hurt, if safety is really such a concern.
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  29. SabreHorn

    SabreHorn 10,000+ Posts

    Hard to get set when your coach hasn't signaled in the defensive call and the opponent is at the line of scrimmage.

    How many times was that not the case Saturday night?
  30. #2is#1

    #2is#1 1,000+ Posts

    Think of the players that had a major role in that game. The big time contributors that made most of the plays.
    Now look at who will be back next year.
    I will take our staff and our roster, and our future.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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