Darrell Scott?

Beau Vine

1,000+ Posts
I'm kind of underwhelmed so far.

I'm not saying he won't eventually be really good, but I expected him to stand out more than he has so far.

Not sure if he would have seen the field much for us yesterday...
He probably would not have dislaced McGee. He seems to be getting his bearings about him and his running pretty hard in the second half. He definitely is pushing the pile forward (even if he is hit after 3 yards).
kid looks for real to me...especially consider he was in high school three months ago.

to the OP...were you expecting him to look like Ricky Williams or Reggie Bush in his very first game?
you got to be kidding.

Scott came in late in 1st qtr and that was the first time CU began moving the ball. CSU keyed on him and CU would fake it to him and pick up 8-9 yards. He's going to be a star. He will be a big time weapon we will have to stop first Sat. in Oct.

Having said that, I like our guys at RB just fine.

Don't worry about Mr. Scott. The last two super-studs to stiff us didn't win MNC's, and could have with Texas. He'll be good, but he won't get to hold the glass football.

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