Darius Winston

As I understand, he's verballed to the swine, but if he's coming for a visit here, it must be a soft commitment. How're you gonna keep 'em on the farm once they've seen the city?...he would be a nice one to get away from arkysaw.
Well that's provided those inbred cider-sucking hillbillies don't kill him upon committing to UT.
According to the College Sports site he has decommitted from Arkansas. His list includes Mich., Miami, Fla St., LSU, Clemson, Georgia and Texas.
He says his new leader is Michigan. Texas and Clemson round out his top 3 currently. I like our chances just as much or more than with Kirkpatrick. Both are going to be real tough though.
Evidently, the grade issues must be true, we are no longer on his list, or he is no longer on our list, one or the other.
Does anyone know where Kevin Brent is leaning to? I have heard we do not have a good shot at him, it that true?
So who is his leader now? If grades are a problem with regard to Texas I can't believe his previous leader Michigan has any less stringent grade requirements.
I only saw his most recent list of his schools and could not tell who the leader was. Just know we were not on the list.
The guess would be on the piggies as a placement if he is short on the academics. It is very rare for an arkie kid to leave arkie, not saying it can't be done.
Thanks Engineer, is he a silent commit to OU or strong lean?
Speaking of OU, what do you feel are your chances for the 3 WRs, Randle, Brown, and Evans? Since you got 3 big ones this year, it would seem difficult to match that.

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