Dancin’ for Dollars (Oil)

Joe Mack

< 25 Posts
“Even though we've been swept into the pulse-pounding vortex of the presidential campaign, every once in a while something happens in the news which snaps us back into the dark reality that an incompetent ****-kicking hoople still occupies the White House.”

This clip induced me to wonder whether our current leader is really doing justice to the ****-kicking hooples of the world. Anyone else think that he appears to be trying to dance the Cupid Shuffle, but the weight of the executioner’s sword and the grip of the House of Saud have destroyed his rhythm?

Given the fact that the US of A is dependent on Saudi oil, and the fact that I wish to continue to drive my pickup truck, which presidential candidate do you think can best fill the role of the current POTUS as ****-kicking hoople, occupant of the White House in 2009, and maintain the flow of oil to our country?

Do any of the current candidates for President have ties to the Saudis similar to the Bush family? These benefits might be crucial as energy becomes increasingly expensive to produce. If none of the current candidates have actual family ties to the Saudis, then surely some of them have been recipients of Arab oil money through lobbying efforts, thus indicating their friendship with the Saudis.

Are any of the current candidates capable of hoisting and carrying the executioner’s sword by increasing the size and presence of our military throughout the world? More military spending may be needed to keep the economy from going into a recession, and my guess is that this issue becomes more important as 2008 progresses.

Finally, which candidate has the rhythm to actually appear to dance the Wahabi Boogie instead of the Cupid Shuffle when the war drums are pounded?

Since Mike Huckabee plays the bass, indicating that he has rhythm and the ability to resonate with the war drums and military expansion, I’m thinking that he might be the best man to uphold the image of the incompetent ****-kicking hoople occupant of the White House.

Is there a better candidate than Mike for this position?