Daily Show: Back in Black - New York Versus Texas

Oh what a GREAT vid
I hope every New Yorker feels the same way
add in any other crap Dem run city and or state.
I hope this goes viral and convinces the rest of them
I read the ny times relgiously every day and that place is so corrupt it makes this south Texas boy blanch. Perry is a libertarian compared to their kafkaesque big brother of a mayor and their state legislature makes the average county commissioner court in south Texas look like a model of good government.

Is there any chance the rest of the country would let us go?
You insult my intelligence every time you presume to tell me what I'm actually thinking. Your insistence on applying facile generalities about "libs" to anyone who doesn't see things the same way you do usually reveals far more about the limits of your own thinking than the person's whom you address.

While I'm here, let's look at this odd quote from your first response to me:

In reply to:

My biggest fear as a Texan is that somebody will go all Lee Greenwood and respond with a serious song about how it's great to be from Texas and awful to be from New York. Bereft of any irony at all, it will be quite embarrassing like having red-*** Aggies representing the state.
I saw the segment and thought it hilarious. Black was a ham handed and even more offensive than Perry, but hey he is a comedian paid to be funny and irreverent. Perry, to his credit, has provided more belly laughs than a lot of people who get paid a lot trying to be funny. Problem is that from all appearances, Perry was trying to be serious when he provided needed comic relief for the 2012 Republican Primaries.
Crock, solid take. Perry is unintentionally hilarious...not exactly the optimal persona to represent the State.

Thank you also for not busting out biblical proverbs and insulting others' intelligence.
I don't have a problem with or blame Black or New Yorkers for being upset or making the video. It was coarse at times, but it was funny and even had some self-deprecation. The cop high-fiving the urinator was greatness.

In all seriousness, I think Rick Fairy's blatantly political campaign into these states is stupid. These business interests know what Texas' business climate is like, and that climate speaks for itself. We don't need some self-serving choad running ads and creating more bad blood between Texas and these other states. He sounds like a damn fool and makes everybody in Texas sound like a damn fool. **** him.
Roger: Look at the ads. The California ads are positive statements about California. Perry's ads had the tone and harshness of political attack ads. Insulted parties insult back. Perry is an easy target. In the national media his intellect is treated with the same respect as that of Forrest Gump, Gilligan, Dumb, Dumber and Brick from Anchorman.
I thought it was funny. NY runs their "open for business" ads on CNBC all day so they can't complain too much about ours. I do think we should try to be less nagative about other states though. If a business owner is unhappy with his/her state, a commercial detailing the negatives is unnecessary.
I'm OK with New Yorkers thinking Texas sucks. We don't need any more damn yankees moving to Texas - we already have too many yankees and Californians in our state.

Its fun watching all these liberal states go crazy about reality. Folks are leaving liberal states for more freedom. They do not want the government confiscating their income or regulating their businesses. Others actually like to be employed so they can buy stuff without being a ward of the state.

Keep up the good work NY. Cute little commercial you made there, but I will stick with keeping more of my income and freedom.

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