Dad has cancer

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Please pray for my dad. He's been having throat problems for the past few months, so they did an operation in there just to look around. They found out that he has throat cancer. He's never smoked his life, the doctors said that it probably came from second hand smoke. He's a retired soldier and voluntarily served three tours in Vietnam. Thanks y'all.
many many prayers my friend...

I lost my pappa to cancer...
I originally posted this thread anonymously a little over 4 years ago (not really sure why actually). It's been 4 long years and it looks like Dad is close to leaving us after a long hard-fought battle with throat cancer (which spread to his lungs). Through multiple experimental drugs, remissions, relapses, Dad has had battled his way through this like a champ. Unfortunately, things took a huge downtown at his last chemo session on Monday and he's been sedated since then. Everything is taken care of--however, I would appreciate any prayers for the well-being of my Mom. I'm on the west coast (while my parents are at M.D. Anderson), so I'm working on getting to Houston as soon as possible, however my Mom is alone. Any prayers for her would be greatly appreciated.
I am sure your father was a flawed man in some ways, as we all are, and now he is at the end of his life because of a mysterious destructive disease. There can be some negativity and bitterness from that.

Yet, from what you have said, he was heroic in his life and his death, consistent, and loved by many. He was well willing to offer his life for the good of others. I know he has left a great imprint on you. There is a giant treasure there.

My prayer is that you and your family are able to detach from whatever the negatives may be in these past four years, and enjoy the treasure that was your Dad's life, an eternal blessing from God.
Continued prayers for strength and comfort for your whole family. It is tough to be far away when things like this are going on.
ffrom the resurrected thread chapter.

I can't figure-out how to do this anonymously, so I'll be very vague ... but we are a few months into a similar trek with this disease. Dad's was likely an environmental issue caused ... by GOVT regulation, actually.

Good luck with fighting city hall, huh? It doesn't matter. God is in control and He's got Dad & all of us. Of course, I just wish it didn't mean Dad's going home before his gransdons marry (they are still in HS).

Glad to hear Hornfans will Press ON ... we will, too.

Thanks Y'all. Hook 'EM!

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