
Vino Bevo

Wine - how classy people get drunk
We all need to pause for a moment, bow our heads, and thank God and all the brave souls who participated in the Normandy invasion on this day in 1944. I am blown away by the sheer courage and dedication these teenagers and young adults demonstrated to overcome their fear and secure those beaches, which marked the beginning of the end of the war and one of the most pivotal days in the history of our planet.

My granddad came ashore on D-Day+4 and served in the European Theater, then in Korea and Vietnam. I could not be prouder, then or now, to be a part of his family. He was and is my hero.

I can't think of a more eloquent way to say it, so simply - thank you.

I've seen his preliminary reports and am so excited for him to be there! It's been on my bucket list for a while.
So true. It's amazing how many signed up to give their life to fight fascism. What great heroes they were.
I was on a scuba dive boat in Cozumel a couple years ago on JUne 6 D day, meet a Young French man, I told him it is ?D day today, He said " I dont care for such things" It took all I had not to throw him off the boat. I guess my look was intense because his GF came up to me and apologized for his comment
I was on a scuba dive boat in Cozumel a couple years ago on JUne 6 D day, meet a Young French man, I told him it is ?D day today, He said " I dont care for such things" It took all I had not to throw him off the boat. I guess my look was intense because his GF came up to me and apologized for his comment
Not to pick a bone with you but it might have helped by talking in chronological order and thank him first for Lafayette.
Mc no worries, I did tell him over 3,000 Americans lost their lives on that day to free France. He got the message
I was on a scuba dive boat in Cozumel a couple years ago on JUne 6 D day, meet a Young French man, I told him it is ?D day today, He said " I dont care for such things" It took all I had not to throw him off the boat. I guess my look was intense because his GF came up to me and apologized for his comment
God Bless these young soldiers. Little doubt that they would be angry about the ubiquitous, European, cynical anti-Americanism that greatly emboldened Putin.
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Terrific thread Vino. Greatest Generation. I am grateful and humbled that many in my family served in both theaters of WW2.

Re: June 6, 1944, I've mentioned in the past my Uncle Joe was a Corpsman and came ashore on Omaha Beach. He survived and went on to serve in the Okinawa invasion where he was wounded by a grenade. Relatives said he was never the same when he came back home and I was always reminded at a young age at family reunions and visits to not ask him about the war.

He went on to marry, raise a family, own a drug store in Kermit TX and was the Mayor at one time. Lived to ~ 93 I think. I always think of him on June 6. :usflag:
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Terrific thread Vino. Greatest Generation. Many in my family served in both theaters of WW2.

Re: June 6, 1944, I've mentioned in the past my Uncle Joe was a Corpsman and came ashore on Omaha Beach. He survived and went on to serve in the Okinawa invasion where he was wounded by a grenade. Relatives said he was never the same when he came back home and I was always reminded at a young age at family reunions and visits to not ask him about the war.

He went on to marry raise a family, owned a drug store in Kermit TX and was the mayor at one time. Lived to 93. I always think of him on June 6. :usflag:
Thanks Worster - this day brings a tear to my eye and a warmth to my heart every year.

Granddad was born in 1920, one of five kids (three boys and two girls) in Mississippi and grew up there during the Great Depression. Some of his stories were classic - two pairs of overalls and one pair of shoes were the only clothes he had, and the shoes and one pair of overalls were reserved for church on Sunday only, for example. One brother couldn't join the military for medical reasons but he and the other brother joined the Army as soon as they could. Granddad made it through the war, as I said earlier, but his brother was shot down over France and died in 1944. He served almost 30 years, eventually retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel at Ft. Sam Houston, then went on work in the civilian world for another 17 years before retiring for good. He truly met what Brokaw defined as The Greatest Generation.

Sorry to go on and on, but he was such an incredible inspiration in my life and I love talking about him!
I didn't think about it much as a youth, but after seeing the movie Saving Private Ryan, I thought more deeply about my Uncle Joe and the horrible and ghastly mayhem, violence, pain, death and destruction of lives he witnessed & had to deal with during 2 invasions. You know he had to make decisions regarding who was dying that he could do nothing for and those he could help and quickly move on the next wounded man.

How could one ever get over that? Most never did I suspect.
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So I'm going to ***** on the D-Day thread. We attempted to go to the American cemetery, and we got directed to a park area by Omaha Beach. Seems good, right? Well apparently, President Incontinence decided to come back to the cemetery, and they blocked the road in here to traffic. So we're stuck here until about 7 pm. (It's now about 2:30 pm, but we've been stuck since about noon.) So that MoFo is costing me about 7 hours.

One the upside, it is beautiful.

So I'm going to ***** on the D-Day thread. We attempted to go to the American cemetery, and we got directed to a park area by Omaha Beach. Seems good, right? Well apparently, President Incontinence decided to come back to the cemetery, and they blocked the road in here to traffic. So we're stuck here until about 7 pm. (It's now about 2:30 pm, but we've been stuck since about noon.) So that MoFo is costing me about 7 hours.

One the upside, it is beautiful.

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I'm pooping FJB. If I had planned ahead I would have loved to go over for that event. It's sad that we are losing that entire generation in a few years.
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We cannot heap enough praise on the incredibly brave Americans, British, and Canadians allies re: 6/6/44 and after pushing the Nazi's out of France and then went on to Berlin.

Unfortunately, D-Day sometimes overshadows or is under shadowed by the Battle of the Bulge.

The Bulge battle would not have happened if not for success on D-Day. So I give D-Day the edge over the Bulge. Both were incredibly important to win.

God bless them all that were there, died, wounded, survived and fought on for our freedom!!!