if I hadn't seen Cut Copy at SXSW I definitely would have made this show
In Ghost Colours is an EXCELLENT album and they were amazing during SXSW
I really like the Presets but a buddy saw them in Portland and said they were off. How did they sound? "are you the one" and "Girl and the sea" are outfuckingstanding songs.
The Presets did have some sound issues, but it seemed they were no fault of their own. About a 5 minute delay. Overall, they put on a good show, but their songs sound a lot alike and they're definitely a bit gimmicky.
Cut/Copy was outstanding and that album will definitely be in my top 10 for 08. I saw their day show at SXSW but missed the night show.
The sound issues were venue oriented. When they were on they thrashed it. Great sound, tremendous energy from the crowd and hella hot chicks amuck. Intense fun. Good times, good times.