< 25 Posts
Austrian Free Market Economics VS current system followed of Keynsian Economics
Austrian Free Market Economists such as Peter Schiff explain a system that excludes depressions, recessions, booms and busts in the economy. It is based first in sound money principles. Like money that is actually worth something. Fiat money is UNsound money. Fiat money is money that is worthless unless backed by legal tender laws... money like our very dollar which is just useless paper. What has inherent value? Paper or something like say... gold?
When a government allows Keynsian Economics (which also includes central banking) to dominate the economics of a nation that is made possible with legal tender laws. They are laws passed that prevent competition and create a monopoly owned by the government or their central bank. They create a monopoly on money, itself. This puts all the power of the money supply in the hands of a few select people in the form of the central bank. When they control the money supply and the interest rates at which they loan this money to other entities they control the lifeblood of the economy. The money.
Austrian Free Market Economists such as Peter Schiff explain a system that excludes depressions, recessions, booms and busts in the economy. It is based first in sound money principles. Like money that is actually worth something. Fiat money is UNsound money. Fiat money is money that is worthless unless backed by legal tender laws... money like our very dollar which is just useless paper. What has inherent value? Paper or something like say... gold?
When a government allows Keynsian Economics (which also includes central banking) to dominate the economics of a nation that is made possible with legal tender laws. They are laws passed that prevent competition and create a monopoly owned by the government or their central bank. They create a monopoly on money, itself. This puts all the power of the money supply in the hands of a few select people in the form of the central bank. When they control the money supply and the interest rates at which they loan this money to other entities they control the lifeblood of the economy. The money.