Cronyism Favoritism at work -question


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I've been wanting to do this for a while now but I finally found some time. I need some advice from those of y'all who have some insight.

I've been working as a consultant for one of the largest telecom companies here in Dallas. I'm nearing the end of my year's contract. Last week I was told by my manager that they (company) would not be renewing my contract due to budget constraints. I found out that another consultant who joined about 6 months after me was getting his contract renewed. I've never trusted my manager and although I never had any dust ups with him, I didn't feel he was a stand up guy.

A lil back story. When a perm job opened up in the second month of my contract, my manager hired another consultant who had started working at the same time as I. I tried to apply but found out that the manager had already approved the other consultant's application. I had a talk with the manager and expressed to him that I'd like to apply for a perm if one became available. He seemed reluctant even then, giving me bs reasons that it would not pay as well as contract (yeah ahole, I know that, but I want the paid vacation, benefits package and stability).

Then a couple of months later another consultant came on board. A month into this, another perm job became open and this new consultant, while gossipping with me, confessed to me that the manager had been emailing him and IM'ing him urging him to submit his application for the perm job. I immediately knew the sumb!tch was trying to get this guy in. I promptly emailed my manager and questioned him about it. He didn't reply back for a week and after that, just replied that I was not qualified for the position (even though the other guy wasn't any better qualified than I was). Long story short, the other consultant got this perm job, and he could work from home as well.

I then sat down with the manager and once again expressed to him that I'd like to get a perm position and that I was passed over for guys who joined months after me. He kinda seemed to agree but it felt it was more to get out of the meeting that he said that he'd make sure I got the next available opening.

A couple weeks ago another perm became open, but ahole manager tells me my contract is done so adios. There are a few more documented pieces of evidence (emails, IM messages that I've saved onto a thumb drive) I have that clearly demonstrate that the guy was doing his best to keep me out of a perm job in order to get folks that he liked in.

Do y'all think I'm right in assessing that this is as clear a case of favoritism and cronyism or am I missing something?
He's just not that into you.

Seriously, though, unless you're in a group that routinely gets discriminated against, there's nothing you can do about it.
corporate life man. suck it up and move on and take it as a life lesson. last thing you want is this conversation to come up in the next interview you go to. much as it sucks, that is the way it is sometimes.

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