RULE 9Conduct of Players and Others Subject to the Rules
SECTION 2. Noncontact Fouls
Unsportsmanlike Acts
ARTICLE 1. There shall be no unsportsmanlike conduct or any act
that interferes with orderly game administration on the part of players,
substitutes, coaches, authorized attendants or any other persons subject to
the rules, before the game, during the game or between periods.
a. Specifically prohibited acts and conduct include:
2. After a score or any other play, the player in possession immediately
must return the ball to an official or leave it near the dead-ball spot.
This prohibits:
(a) Kicking, throwing, spinning or carrying (including off of the
field) the ball any distance that requires an official to retrieve it.
(b) Spiking the ball to the ground [Exception: A forward pass to
conserve time (Rule 7-3-2-d)].
(c) Throwing the ball high into the air.
(d) Any other unsportsmanlike act or actions that delay the game.
As Orangesweat said, he had to call it. If you want to debate the legitimacy of the rule itself, go right ahead, but the right call was made. There's no shade of gray in this scenario. It's black and white. You throw the ball high in the air, you get a penalty. Debate whether or not this rule should be changed all you like, but this was not a "******** call."