
sambets did boils last weekend and i went friday night. i had 4 lbs and some oysters rockafeller. crawfish were not as spicy as i like to make them at home, but it tided me over for a week or two. their crawfish po boy is insane too. give them a call and see if they are doing them again this weekend, i bet they are.
This is from a email distribution list I am on from Quality Seafood

"Crawfish Mondays: Visit our instore Market restaurant every Monday
evening from 6-9 pm and enjoy delicious cooked crawfish for just $5.99/lb."

I just had my own crawfish boil this last weekend here in LA. Flew in 50lbs of mudbugs from Louisiana the day of the event. They were damn good!
Pacific Star at 183/Anderson Mill makes pretty damn good ones, but they are usually $5.95 or $6.95/lb. When you can eat 4-6 lbs. it adds up pretty quick, which sucks, because I like to eat them at least once a week during season.

I sure as **** miss Razzoo's, that was the only thing I went there for.

Lazyboy -- the solution is that we need to get a couple of sacks of bugs and take matters into our own hands.
Pacific Star. See my thread about the pirogue if you want some discount coupons to make it a little less expensive!

BTW, their beer is ICE COLD, too, and cheap!!!
Honestly, Sams Boat in Austin has some of the best I've ever had. Surprisingly though, the original in Houston never does them nearly as well. One of my buddies said that the one in Austin hired a guy just to do the mudbugs.