Coffee Bean Grinder Espresso Machine

We have the little Braun too. It's been used daily for the last five years or so.
Get a burr grinder. Mine is a DeLonghini (sp?). They don't cost but maybe a few dollars more than a blade grinder, but you'll get a surprisingly better brew.
I've had my Mr. Coffee grinder for almost 12 years and it has been used nearly every day since I got it. Do you drink just drip coffee or do you need the ability to grind it fine enough for espresso?
I repeat, DO NOT USE A BLADE GRINDER. That is, unless you like substandard coffee. You can get a Black & Decker burr mill for $25 at Target, for pity's sake. The website has a Melitta model for $20.

Blade grinders "cut" the beans, as opposed to actually grinding the beans. It does make a difference -- a big difference.
as some of the other coffee gurus here have said DO NOT GET A BLADE GRINDER. especially if you are using a french press. spend the extra bucks and get a burr grinder.

hey, let me know if you want some of my contraband blend (hehehe)
My coffee is always ground fine enough to make espresso. Any less, and I wouldn't be extracting all the flavor out of it. For me, the blade grinder in the pic works great. I use my about once a week - enough to fill a tin for the entire week's brew.
Thanks for the burr grinder advice, I'll have to pick one up. Our blade grinder was a wedding gift, but I'm always up for better coffee.
you could just dump a bag of beans into a food processor instead of using a wimpy grinder. never tried it, but I'm sure it would bust up those beans real good.
If you decide to go the French press route you can save all the money you would spend on equipment. Just pop the roasted beans into your mouth, chew, and swallow. You will get the same flavor and texture as French press without all the hassle.

Melita cone, the only way to go.