Coaches question the future of the ‘Q package’

Good. If they're not going to make a commitment to it, they should stop wasting their time on iy, and scrap it.
All it does is put the brakes on this offense
I hate to say it, but he scares me!

He has no confidence and the Q package was making him out to be a game breaker. If he is in during first team snaps as qb, I will be scared. Supportive, but scared.
Despite the attitude, turnovers and inconsistent performance, he is the only back up QB that the coaches have let play... so like it or not, whether Sherrod is any good or not, we are putting our 2nd string QB duties in the JC's back pocket, should Colt get banged up. I would like to see Sherrod get some snaps to see if he has better generalship and resolve.
With Colt being so hot this year, maybe we haven't needed to run the Q package as much as planned? As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. As long as Colt keeps throwing touchdowns to Shipley, we may as well stick with the hot hand.

I am beginning to wonder if Chiles is working out as planned. I think he is a tremendous talent, but maybe we need to rethink where he best fits into the picture. Maybe he is fine where he is, maybe not...

And yes, I'm aware of our problems if Colt is injured. We don't really have a good answer for that right now, either way.
^^^^^^ same, but I et the coaches are more affraid of cheap shots on Colt at any position but QB.

Show him some footage of Ramonce from 04-05, and tell hiim how much fun it is!!
Hopefully, this means that Mack et al see what we all see. John Chiles needs to be somewhere else, wheter that be at a different position, or on a different team. We may be hurting this team by forcing him to be in at qb.
John Chiles in 2008

Rush 26 for 93 yds. I TD. 3.6yds per carry
Pass 9-10-0 89yds. 1TD.

He has two fumbles that were the result of trying to make a play out of a bad situation. Mistkes that can be fixed. There is no reason to throw the kid under the bus. Of course the 85 "all-conference" QBs that post on this board will disagree with me.
That 'Q' package was a farce to begin with. We were all so excited to see it unveiled against the bigger, better teams. We'll razzle and dazzle them and they won't know what hit them. That **** was doomed to at the onset. Did anyone really, really, deep down think that 'package' had the potential to do some real damage? I was hopeful but doubtful at best.

Mack and co. for some reason are continuing to give Chiles more reps than he is probably deserving, especially considering his play on the field. Unfortunately, unless we blow out some more opponents out which is highly unlikely, we won't be able to get Harris any meaningful touches this year.

The way John Chiles has been used since being on campus is just another qb travesty at UT. Ugh. I laud mack for following through on his word to give him a shot, but that opportunity has come and gone. Find the kid a new position to try to play in or let him transfer. This current situation isn't good for anyone.

I have not been impressed with Chiles this year, but I will say this--it is very difficult to tell much from his garbage time performance. He doesn't strike me as the game breaker we hoped he'd be, but he might be much better if he played a lot of snaps with the first team (i.e.-were the starter). The coaches (who get to watch him everyday in practice) probably have a better feel for that than I do. He's certainly not very good running behind 3rd and 4th stringers in the 4th quarter when everyone knows he's going to run. He also is clearly pressing.

I hope we never have to find out, but he might be better with more reps with the first team.
I don’t think we’ve seen the best of the “Q” as that would have Chiles passing to McCoy off play action. If the CB over Colt lollygags for a moment, he may not be able to recover. The Hog CBs over Colt didn’t seem too interested Saturday. I thought John was great right up to his “ReggieBush” moment.

Yes on the surface his averaged stats look OK, unfortunately we need much more than acceptable averages at that position.

As I stated on other threads, it is not his ability to run or pass, (which have not been stellar with three or four exceptions this year) but his decision making skills.
What is troubling to me is his poor decisions, when the game is well in hand. Not having the awareness to stay in bounds when running out the clock. God help us if he was under the pressure of "saving the game".

It is time to give Sherrod the same opportunities to see if he is a better option, IMHO.
Ramonce had a big impact. I would love to have that back in our line up. Especially without all huge deep threat like we had with Roy. That could open alot of things up down the field. Our longest pass play was for 27 yards.
"Chiles has good size and speed and is his quick and elusive with balance and vision. He is dangerous with the ball in his hands because of his play making abilities. Chiles can start and stop on a dime, can change directions quickly, and has a burst or extra gear when he needs it. His pass receiving skills are good too. Chiles is extraordinary in the air and shows concentration and body control. He makes the difficult catch look easy." Just saying.
Chiles is is not R. Taylor. The above quote can say whatever it wants but we are watching the games too and he has shown none of that amazing athletic ability. It's not like it is going to suddenly appear if it hasnt as a QB against second string teams, running reverses in open space, or catching the call on a quick out in space.