Complete nonsense. First of all, this "go-to" lawyer is confusing a vote to pass something with a vote to end debate on something. They aren't the same thing at all. Why does that matter? Because if we blur that distinction, then there will no intellectually honest reason for any procedural hurdle to require more than a majority rule. Bills would be able to bypass the committee process and the calendar process (which are used to kill bills at least as often as the filibuster is) simply by a majority vote.
Second, the idea that the majority is supposed to rule with complete authority in the Senate is garbage. The Senate is apportioned by state, not population. By its very nature, the Senate isn't based on majority rule. (If it was, then it would simply be redundant with the House.) If 51 Senators (a simple majority) from the smallest states banded together and voted for something, it would reflect about 22 percent of the population - hardly a model of majority rule.
Third, when the Senate cuts off debate and forces a vote on something that also stifles majority rule. What if a Senator wants to offer an amendment to the bill under consideration that the majority of the Senate wants to adopt? Well, you can't cut off debate and order a vote without also cutting off amendments. Basically, the majority is screwed.
Fourth, we're not even talking about real filibusters. Is somebody in the Senate chamber babbling for hours on end Strom Thurmond style? No. Reid just isn't able to pull the votes together to invoke cloture, so he's giving up. That's not a filibuster. That's Reid being a candy-*** and not calling the opposition's bluff.
Instead of being the hypocritical (since they thought the filibuster was great just a few years ago and will think it's great the next time the GOP controls the Senate), self-righteous bellyachers that they are, Democrats should call the GOP's bluff and actually make them filibuster. They will cave eventually if actually forced to do it. Reid just doesn't want that political battle, because the truth of that matter is that he probably can't get the votes to actually pass a lot of this stuff in an election year anyway.