Clinton's humanity: gone

After Clinton became human the day before the NH primaries, it seems that she has returned to her normal demeanor.

If there is anything she can do to portray the warmth she showed in NH. it would sure be helpful. How important does this seem to you?
All three candidates said the other night that they decided to run for President about a year ago. I suspect Ms. Warmth decided before that. Her "weakness" was that sh'e too impatient to get things done. Guess why I think she's a cold, calculating *****.
I think a cold, calculating ***** might be just the person to take on Islamic fundamentalism.

I could get behind that. What has she said that reveals inclination to do this?
Why is it that a man can be a commanding, efficient, hard working CEO / Captain of Industry / Politician but in a woman, the same qualities get her the title of "*****"?

I just don't get it.

Gotta love our friends on the right. You know the one's who like to call other folks "bush haters" when they point out dumb *** policy decisions. These same folks use the words *****, *****, c**t etc to describe the former first lady, Senator Clinton. Then she of course gets criticism from the very same folks for showing a MINOR crack in the veneer for just a second. Didn't even shed a tear, yet posts of "she cried to win!" Then the concept is tossed out- "I would vote for her if she campaigned as a heartless calculating *****." To me it's just too damn funny to see the ingrained hatred for Hillary Clinton. What's funnier is that when asked about specifics on why Senator Clinton is a "*****, *****, or whatever the thread where the questions behind the reasoning is asked usually goes cold for the haters....

HOWEVER- what's really fascinating to me in this thread, is that if all she did was read some polling data and run on the I'm a heartless calculating ***** with no hunamity, those that repeatedly profess their hate for her turn into her supporters. That I think, my friends, tells us a great deal about the election and the qualifications of the various people running for President. Apparently she's electable even to those that most hate her, if she packages herself correctly....
You are a Bush hater Summer. You can identify irrational Clinton hating, but refuse to see there is a similar sub-set of Democratic partisans who hate all things Bush. They call him an alcoholic, coke head, desiring a theocracy, an evil genius, a moron, a felon, a war monger, . . ..

You are part of the same corrosive sub-set of partisans, whether you have the ability to understand it or not. Hate blinds - whether you hate Clinton or Bush.

Back to the OP, I believe the emotion she exhibited was real. It wasn't crying - she got a little choked up when asked how do you get up every morning (shortly after a brutal debate where Edwards laid into her and Obama was uncharacteristically mean). The moment addressed the hate she feels from those outside her party and from inside her party. She got choked up.

She couldn't win at that point - some accused her of faking the crying - even staging the question (eventually it was determined the question came from a voter who voted for Obama); some accused her of showing a weakness that made her unfit for the Presidency. Both were unfair. The voters of New Hampshire gave her the win - based on what we will never truly know. Was it the showing of everyday humanity? Was it a reflection on the missteps of Obama and Edwards? Was it a belief that the nomination process shouldn't be wrapped up in New Hampshire with a steamrolling Obama, i.e, more vetting of Obama needed to occur? Who knows.

What is known is the Clinton hate is every bit as strong as the Bush hate. A certain slice of voters have an emotional reaction to them and it overwhelms any rational response to specific policy positions.
poor wash--- you don't seem to understand the difference between substance and lack of substance in formulating an opinion. I hate stupidity, whether it's Bush or anyone else leading. I feel sorry for you that you are unable to distinguish hatred of a person and hating dumb *** stupid policies. I agree that there is a subset of the Dems that does indeed viscerally hate President Bus, unfortunately your assessment of me being in that subset is inaccurate.. I hate the man's policies and his apparent either ignorance or disinterest that allows bad policy to be implemented. That doesn't make me hate the man... but his policies wash.

Bush' being a borderline alcoholic is pretty well known isn't it? If you were young and wealthy in the early 90" and never did cocaine you were in a minority. Bush has never of course said he did not use cocaine. I assume this is the basis upon which you proclaim Bush never used cocaine? I know somebody who was at a party where there was Coke being used and Bush went into the back room for a while. Doesn't mean he did cocaine though, he may have just been watching for all I know....but i don't feel compelled to call him a coke head. Bush has been a bad president, because of his policies. Pointing them out as bad policies doesn't make me a bush hater.... of anything but bad policies wash... no matter how much you wish it to be so..... "bush hater" is nothing more than a defense tactic for the most part for Bush supporters who do not wish to engage in discussion on his policies. It's lazy and easy and it works in that they don't have to frustratingly argue the benefits of bad policy.

So why do you hate Hillary Wash? Or is your visceral dislike for her based on a series of bad policy making decisions as the Senator of NY?
And you appreciate some difference between your spewed bile about Bush and the Vince Foster garbage used by Clinton haters?

Take the plank out of your eye.
Did anyone else see the clip of Hillary Clinton "bantering" with the press on her plane? She was pretending to the be stewardess and gave this amazingly awkward safety briefing but with different words (about politics). It was terrible, terrible, terrible, yet supposed to be staged to show her humorous side. It was just bad. I can't seem to find the clip, but it is so amazingly bad, it could practically be an attack ad against her.
Why so much fun when she wins? Easy-to see all the wingnuts foam at the mouth and eat their words, all the ones who have claimed she has no chance, is not electable, etc. Some people apparently really believe this stuff.
poor Wash- "spewed bile" that was rich. If you want I can probably give you a detailed point by point policy of dumb *** policy decisions GWB has blessed us with. Iit would be boring and long. FUnny as **** that you try to equate attacking dumb policy making with Vince Foster hysteria. Are you trying to fight with some charactarization strawman you have made up?
