Clinton to go after Obama's PLEDGED Delegates

All signs are pointing to a Clinton doomsday strategy -- that if she loses she's taking the Democratic Party down with her. A senior Clinton aide confirmed that they intend to lobby EARNED Obama delegates to swith their allegiance at the Convention:

The Link

This whole thing is headed towards a freaking disaster for the Party, and for our country's democratic process. If Billary manages to steal this nomination, it will turn off a generation of voters for years to come. This needs to end March 4th. The party superdelegates need to end this March 4th.

And if Bilary wins, the party will be so crippled and torn, we will lose the Congress and the White House.
I said this before and I'll say it again:

If the Wicked Witch is still losing in delegates by the time the convention comes around, I guarantee you she will SUE THE DNC IN COURT TO FORCE THEM to allow the Michigan/Florida delegates.

Does anybody really think she wont do that after all the primaries end in June? She will absolutely do it as a last resort. She is desperate for power by any means necessary. She'll fight it all the way to the Supreme Court if she has to.

At some point rational minds will intervene.

We are talking about our politicians correct? If history is any indicator, it should turn out nicely.....

i don't think this would happen but if it did, you could pretty much laugh at the criticism directed at bush during the 2000 election fiasco.
I am confused. This IS the same Hillary that led ALL polls a few months ago The exact same Hillary the press loved and showed approval for up until a few months.

She ain't changed so why did Dems love her then and really hate her now?
I disagree. No Repub should be able stomach any opponent with the backing of the Democratic Socialists of America AND Hugo Chavez

but that doesn't explain why dems polled hillary as a leader for so long and have now turned on her so completely
As to the topic in the OP, I don't see the issue.

THAT is EXACTLY what you would expect at ANY brokered convention - lobbying to get delegates to support you instead of the other one...
You do know the Clinton campaign has emphatically denied they are doing this or will ever do this?
I agree with Ag (gulp). That is the definition of a brokered convention. If after one ballot (roll call), there is not enough delegates to nominate, then of course some delegates will eventually have to be swayed otherwise, stalemate.

That being said, I have continued to warn you Obamanics that Hillary will go nuclear in an all out effort retake power. This is further evidence. Ignore and underestimate her at your peril. If she wins Wisconsin tonight or fights to delegate draw, then Obama's momentum is stopped.
HRC also said she would agree to the DNC rules on Michigan and Florida too, didnt she?

You cant trust a ******* word she says.


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