Clinton insiders/donors/ feel things slipping away

I have been saying the same thing. Clinton has to win both Ohio and Texas convincingly to stem Obama's momentum. Small wins and Obama's momentum is reduced. Lose either and she is pretty much done. Lose both and she will will end her campaign.
Thats a pretty big thing for some of them to be throwing out
I mean I could see Hillary winning Texas (not that I dont think Obama cant win) but Obama almost playing her to a draw there...keeping it close and picking up a good share of delegates here

That isnt going to help Hillary

This is basically saying some feel she not only has to win BOTH but win both BIG

thats hard to imagine
The leaked message to HRC that she needs to win both Texas and Ohio "comfortably" suggests the super delegates are definitely taking notice of the collective national movement occurring behind Obama.Chalking up a close win in TX and OH does not diminish this comparison of number of states won and the margin of victoryClinton (10)Arkansas +43Oklahoma +24New York +17Massachusetts +15Tennessee +13
California +10
New Jersey +10
Arizona +9
Nevada +6
New Hampshire +3


Idaho +62

Alaska +50

Kansas +48

Washington +37

Georgia +36

Nebraska +36

Colorado +35

Minnesota +35

Illinois +32

South Carolina +32

North Dakota +24

Louisiana +21

Maine +18
Utah +18
Alabama +14
Delaware +10
Iowa +9
Connecticut +4
Missouri +1

And before TX and OH, we still have VA, D.C. , MD, HI, and WI.

Obama could sweep another 5 in a row from the date of the super delegate leaked message contained this NYT column today.
Clinton isn't going to go down without a fight. Obama supporters have no business getting comfortable. She will be in this until the bitter end and will be scrapping to make it happen.
She is not going to fight for fight's sake. She still has a great future in senate. If she loses both Ohio and Texas, she is definitely out.
sak - I agree. In fact, if you saw 60 Minutes on Sunday, the segment on Clinton ended with an exchange exactly about that. It honestly sounded like a concession speech right then - if she loses the nomination she responded "I have a great job as Senator of New York...I've had a blessed life."

The more I think about it, more and more signs suggest to me it's over. It rocked her world when Obama stormed in with the first win in Iowa, but dominating Super Tuesday was the architectural foundation of her campaign. That basically blew up and there is simply nothing left in ground work, strategy, or money flow to take the fight on. The past week has been unbelievable and I think it really will take another couple weeks to sink in everywhere. TX and OH are still huge, but without blowout wins for Clinton, it's basically the endgame. And today the super delegates gave her advance notice.

She won't quit...the Clintons will eventually make the argument:

He can't say superdelegates should follow the "will of the people" when the votes in Michigan and Florida don't count.

Hillary Clinton will not just bow out. Survive and advance. She'll do something big before she just gives up.
Hillary is not a bad person. Neither is she stupid. Personally I like her and think that she will make a good president. I just think that Obama brings in the possibility of a change, that could move our country into it's next era. For all the talk about his inexperience, that is exactly one thing that I really like about him. People talk about him being able to run 8 years from now. I think he would have changed too much, become too much of an insider, for him to this interesting a candidate.
I agree with you Groverat. We Obama supporters cannot get comfortable. I can guarantee you that neither Obama nor anyone in the campaign is getting comfortable.

There is still lots of work to do before we can defeat the Clintons. It is amazing how far we have come, but closing the deal will not be easy.
Yeah she won reelection in 2006 so she'll be around at least until the next presidential election, when I think she'll probably abstain to run for a third term (assuming she doesn't get the nomination this summer).
The more momentum Obama has, I'm starting to envision a hand-out line forming at the south lawn of the White House. Everyone will be ready for their piece of the "change".
Once Clinton is out of teh way, Obama will get 95% of an energized African American vote, possibly near doubling their voter turnout from '04. That is a huge development for the D's, and means a lot of tears for madame Hillary.

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