Climate science deniers threaten violence

There is a lot of crap going on in Austrialia, government calling for the destruction of camels because they fart too much. i'm hopeful that the animal rights activists and the climate doomssayers will knock each other off so the rest of us can enjoy our lives.
First- Your thread title is misleading and is getting tiresome in its repetition.

As a specific instance, I will readily agree that death threats are ridiculous and they should be tracked down and the threateners should be dealt with appropriately.

With that said, there are large numbers of people that agree with the "science" but disagree with the subjective impact of the "science" and further strenuously disagree with the measures contemplated to deal with the already heavily subjective impact of the "science". That is not, even remotely, science denying. And, frankly, you know it.

There does exist a lunatic fringe that doesnt believe the basic science behind climate change. By basic science, I mean that man does release ghg into the atmosphere and that in a controlled environment ghgs trap heat. That is ALL that has been generally accepted as science. The actual impact on the climate is heavily subjective and the impact to the measures contemplated to combat it are even more heavily subjective. This is undeniable.

Australia is experiencing tough economic times just like a lot of the world. They are proposing a lot of carbon based taxes and anti-pollution measures. Analysts are projecting $50/month higher electric bills and the loss of 10,000 coal jobs and 45,000 manufacturing jobs if implemented. 10% higher grocery bills, 15% increase in gas costs.

Now do I think there is exageration in those numbers, of course. But that is the framework we are dealing in. The politicians that favor the taxes use the local scientists as their front and hide behind their findings. This has created a situation where the scientists are cast as the bad guys. As a result, people misguidingly lash out at them.

If a carbon tax means a working coal miner loses his job and can not feed his family and the politicians justify the taxes based on the scientists staements, it is not unlikely that some people will lash out at them. As I said earlier, they should not do it, but it certainly doesnt mean it is happening because the are "scisnce" deniers. That is just lazy sensationalism and, quite frankly, hinders the progress of the cause you wish to push.
Typical of mcbrett's point of view in this arena. As if a coal miner can become a windmill tech or a solar panel installer without a long period of education, at a minimum.
As new technology and energy sources become available, old energy jobs will become obsolete. however, neither coal nor oil nor natural gas will become obsolete anytime soon. they might in certain countries that refuse to use coal. however, other countries, like for instance china (the new #1 energy consumer), will continue to use the cheapest available forms of energy and laugh at the rest of the world.
Liberals want so badly for conservatives to be an aggressive and violent horde and it just isn't working out that way.

Keep hoping.
Kind of like the congressmen that were supposedly spat on in DC? Zero evidence.
Rush and the blondies on Fox are getting violent now? That might be worth seeing come to think of it.
So just curious, but are the 9,000 or so PHDs in climatology and similar fields who don't believe man-made global warming has been proven considered "science deniers"?

You really should pick a different, more accurate label when you want to discredit people. At least discredit them honestly.
GT- You can continue to move goal posts and throw out illogical suppisition but it isnt ever going to help your case.

There is absolutely ZERO evidence that supports what you are trying to portray in this thread. I am sure that MOP is thrilled he can influence Australian coal miners. Limbaugh isn't even on in Austarlia I dont think. I am sure an obscure Senator from Oklahoma burns up the media trail in Sydney. For every website that cautions on climate change there are probably 100 that tout it. FOX news!!! Really?

There simply isnt any evidence, at all, that this is somehow science denying. How about you change the thread title to "Australian coal miners send hateful emails to climate scientists over worry about their jobs" Then we can move on.

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