Clarence Thomas' wife gets 1.6 mil as lobbyist

Bevo Incognito

5,000+ Posts
Y'all remember justice Abe Fortas and how he resigned over the appearance of impropriety regarding his friend and former client Louis Wolfson?

Well, shouldn't Clarence Thomas have at least recused himself from the decision over Sebelius re: Obamacare, given that his wife, Ginni, continued to rake in a profit from opposing healthcare reforms in 2011?

The Link

And how is it that it was just in January 2011 that Justice Thomas, under pressure, finally released disclosure statements showing that he had "inadvertently" left out information about his wife's employment, including earnings over the past 13 years that added up to as much as $1.6 million? Thomas had failed to disclose Virginia's income on his financial disclosure forms for 20 years. Finally, under pressure, he amended old disclosures to reflect hundreds of thousands of dollars Virginia had earned working for the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank that also opposed Obama's health care plan.

How can anybody, with a straight face, say that Thomas should not have recused himself from this case to avoid the appearance of impropriety?

Our government is up for sale, folks! 1.6 million dollars of income that went undisclosed? From a supreme court justice?
Thomas and Sotomayor should have both recused themselves from that entire matter. In the end it made no difference though.
Geez, the article attached makes Clarence Thomas sound like some kind of tax cheat. Perhaps he should be Secretary of the Treasury instead of Supreme Court Justice.
Thomas has always been and always will be a hack as a judge. Why would you expect anything else from him. I have spoken to many folks regardless of political stripes that have little respect for him. Just the fact that he never ever asks any questions during hearings says it all
I actually really like Thomas and have no problem with him not asking questions. If he is the quiet thoughtful type and can make his decisions based upon the questions asked by everyone else (which are no doubt quite extensive!), then who cares if he asks questions.

Having said that, I do find it alarming that his wife has been serving as a lobbyist in such a blatant way and this has not been revealed. That is not acceptable. If this was a liberal judge and the spouse was lobbying for a liberal cause, I would be horrified, so it is only fair to say this should horrify me equally.
Nice to see open-mindedness mop. Others should follow your lead.

I'm no lawyer, but am an auditor. Never asking a question seems dumb as **** to me.

A little more on topic, though I agree that Thomas certainly should have recused on the case, this sort of conflict happens all the time in Texas. The entire Texas Supreme Court relies on campaign contributions that come mostly from the litigants and lawyers that practice in front of their court. Is that any better? Would you be comfortable having your case decided by judges who rely on your opponent for their political existence? I wouldn't.

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