

25+ Posts
If you are looking for a place to go to church, University Baptist Church is a great place I have found to call home. It's across the street from Dobie at the corner of 22nd and Guadalupe. For more info, please visit the church's website University Bapist Church or feel free to e-mail me [email protected] I'd really like to see you there! God bless.
I know it's ultimately my choice to read your posts, but please keep your oppressive automaton psyche and it's relentless drive to impose your beliefs upon all other off the "Around Austin" board. I believe these subjects are more suited for "Quackenbush's" or maybe "Prayer Requests".
That is all Flanders, now you may go have your big pink cookie.
Sorry Flanders, that musta' been my damn independent thought acting up again.
BTW, this board is for UT fans (read: STATE school), not Baylor.
"I am MAKING people AWARE of MY church in case they are looking for a place to WORSHIP"--I think I got your point fairly well, although you may not have.
This is the end to today's pointless argument...just wanting to invite people looking for a new worship experience. If you don't want to visit the church, fine, just don't ***** and moan about how bad it is for me to invite others.