Yeah, all those Dallas Cowboy arrests over the past decade --- he'd fit right in. Maybe the Cowboy organization needs to start getting credit for taking bad apples and keeping them out of trouble.
Though, that might be too much for the haters of America's Team.
According to the NFL Player's Association guidelines, after a player's 4th law enforcement infraction, he immediately is transferred to the Cowboy's roster.
Jerry needs an excellent season this year to propel ticket sales in the new stadium the following year. Its gonna be hard to sell $50,000 per seat PSL's in a down economy with an average record and anything less than a spot in the NFC title game. So if my guess is right, character will take a back seat to talent at this point. The cost overruns on the new stadium are over $300 million and guess who he has targeted with paying that extra amount? The fine folks who are willing to pay mortgage rates for a seat in a stadium. The City of Arlington's share is fixed so he can't go back to that well. So Jerry will go back to doing what he does best - fleece the public while masquerading as a GM.