Chicks with only Guy Friends


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We have all known chicks like this, usually very hot with lots of guy friends that hang around with the sole purpose of hopefully getting some. i have dated a couple. they are usually pretty cool and fun to be around. however, it always bothered me that they didn't have female friends. i didnt necessarily care about the guys, it was obvious which ones were her friends and which ones weren't. the girls never admit this or they deny it...i think it is quite comical. i always trusted the ladies, that was never the issue.

i just always found it strange that they lacked female friends..a woman needs that I believe, just like a dude needs guy friends....we broke up for various reasons that are unrelated but does anyone hold this same opinion?
Avoid avoid avoid! Huge red flag, imo. These types almost always tend to be attention whores and can't get along with other girls because they won't treated deferentially for their sexual attractiveness.

These are the ones that will lead you on before taking off with some unemployed painter from Montenegro, and a ****** painter at that.
My ex was one of these types, so I know it well.
It's not normal. It's a red flag behavior of an attention whoring (pardon the expression) personality.
There was this girl I worked with that moved to Dallas. She sent a good bye email to all of her friends. 17 guys, 0 girls.
Do what women with newborns do when they go back to work, but need to keep lactating for nights and weekends...

They are usually whores and Huge fans of an assortment of Grenises. Stay away at all costs, unless you are drunk and just looking for some good lovin. If that is the case just plow ahead.
I was in the annual cookoff in Galveston over Mother's Day weekend and the very gal you speak of from college showed up. She lives in Michigan now, is married and has 2 children under 4. She came down for a week with her kids and a babysitter so she could party all day. None of us had seen her since our Junior year (about13 years ago) and she was just hanging on each of us even though we are all married or involved now. We spent the entire weekend avoiding her and the wives/girlfirends spent the entire weekend trying to figure out a way to toss her sorry *** into the Galveston Ship Channel. Avoid these women at all costs. They are usually carrying a lot of Samsonite.
A lot of us with more than the average number of male friends probably appreciate the straight-forward no-nonsense communication that many “dudes” share.
In fact, during fire academy, a majority of the 9 women in my class discovered that we didn’t have many female friends, but rather preferred to hang out with guys. As a result we found we had a lot in common and got along great!
In my experience, I have found that it’s not so much how the women deal with their friends as it is how the MEN handle the women and her friends. It takes a seriously confident man to be friends with a woman that is friends with other men. I’m not talking about a “seriously masculine man” I’m talking about a man that doesn’t feel threatened by his woman’s place in her social circle. Capnamerca knows he’s not competing with any of my buddies and therefore has found a way to relate to them on a different level than that of competition. He gets along fantastic with my crew and all the other firefighters I hang out with on a regular basis.
I"m guessing that those of you with "exes" that had a majority of male friends split for reasons other than the ratio of male to female companionship and might want to look for other reasons for the breakup.
I"m not at all saying that there aren't girls out there that seek out a circle of guys for their own reassurance and self confidence. They think their acceptance within a circle of "male friends" translates to a sure-fire healthy hetero relationship but that simply is not true.
There are plenty of women that use their male-friend status as a playing card and then there are women that have male friends because those are the people they better identify with.

Basically all I'm saying is that grouping us tom-boys in with all the rest isn't fair. There are women that use their position in a group of men for evil and there are women that are looking for a simple, straightforward, easy, communicative relationship with no room for manipulation and games.

Don't give up hope on those ladies with guy-friends. They're not all that bad.
i'm not advocating traditional roles for everyone or anything, but the girls i know that fit this bill always seem to be preoccupied with being "anti-lady" or something.
Like Firefighter, I'm a woman who identifies more with guys. I have one really close girlfriend; all the rest are guys. They like me because I can talk intelligently about sports and I like to drink beer. One of my guy friends told me one time that I was like "a guy with a vagina." He meant it as a compliment.

Back when Shadowdancer and I were in the Jaycees, get-togethers would usually separate into the women in one room and the guys and me in another. The women would talk about children and house decorating, and the guys would talk sports. I was infinitely more at home with the guys.

You can't paint us all with that broad a brush, if you'll pardon the pun.

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