Changes to welfare

Larry T. Spider

1,000+ Posts
It looks like the obama administration is going to allow states to apply for waivers for the work requirement to recieve welfare. The states are supposed to come up with creative ways to push people towards employment in order to recieve the waiver.

This seems like it opens the welfare system up for all types of abuse. The federal government now has to track all of these programs in states that apply for the waiver to see how they are doing? What was wrong with the current system of needing a job to recieve welfare?
Yep, once again the Imperial President is acting unilaterally to undo a bipartisan agreement that, by all accounts, has been highly successful in reducing welfare dependency.

Seems he likes Democrats dependent on welfare and thus beholden to Him.

The Link
The only President to ever brag about getting people on Welfare and Food Stamps.

I've had several people tell me that there are hundreds of oil-field jobs in South Texas that can push a salary to six figures. All you need is a minimal high school education and a willingness to work.
Actually it is South, West, and East Texas. Pretty much anywhere in Texas, you can get a job in the oilfield. There is a boom in North and South Dakota too.
Hopefully, there will be some politicians in Texas with enough clout/guts to pursue upping the wellfare requirement.

We didn't have the guts to join Arizona et al, when they pushed the immigration debate. I doubt our politicians will do anything with this either.

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