Secant, tangent, cosine, sine.
3 point 1 four 1 5 9.
Square root, cube root, BTU.
Compass, slide rule,
Go Rice U!
P.S., as taught to me by a fellow high school alum who played scholarship football at Rice. Swift DB type, talented but not very meaty, 2nd stringer. We met up a few years after our college years and I asked him if he ever got to play against Earl.
"Yeah, I'm in the defensive backfield, I see No. 20 sliding out along the line, breaks through, and here he comes. I've got his number, take him on, see the black rubber soles of his shoes go over me, and then as I'm laying on the field I hear that damned cannon go off!" He (my friend) was laughing the whole time he told me this.
Rice is a fine school, brings in a lot of genius types. Had the experience later in my career as I was at the senior professional level on staff; our office manager hired a couple of newly minted Rice grads, science, techkie types. They handed them to me to get billable hours on one of my projects.
I laid them out on what I thought was a simple task --- taking recent groundwater analytical results from the lab, poring through it, comparing to previous quarter, and then taking to clerical support for incorporation into a new table in the in-progress next quarterly report.
Next day I stopped by one of their offices; both were there sitting with a stunned look on their face. Hadn't really done much, didn't have a clue.
Got an ivy school grad right now who helps me periodically, real bright, but similar to the Rice grads. Give them the reading assignment, assign homework, give them a written multiple choice test --- 100.
Dump a real world problem on them and ask them to synthesize the pieces of their formal classwork into a working solution, uh, not so much.
I'm sure there are Rice grads who ARE big-picture, problem solvers, but just because one GOES to such a school with an SAT out of the solar system and graduates with a 3.9 doesn't mean they're ready to tear the world up.