yes Freddie and Fannie were the problem and yes Sangre's point about lenders being threatened by charges of redlining is correct. I worked for citi back in the late 90's and I remember our execs worrying about that. I even remember a few companies, Associates for sure, having to defend themselves on shows like 60 minutes.
However, regulation is necessary. Without it corporations would run all over consumers. Without the rules in place consumers have no case. BUT, government doesn't need to be DOING the business. Government doesn't need to be the bank, the auto manufacturer, the insurer, the healthcare provider etc. they simply set the rules to protect citizens and consumers from corporations.
Government should set the rules and then allow business to find ways to work within the rules to seek profit.
In the case of CEO pay what I want from government is not to determine CEO pay but to simply etablish regulations that make the actions of the board of directorssubstantially more transparent to not just shareholders, but all stakeholders.