CCG Prediction Results


Good luck y’all (if you picked the Horns)

Winner(s) will be posted here after the game

Nobody picked the final score.

@El Sapo got closest to the 12 point spread with his pick of 35-48, a 13 point spread.

Total points scored (66) picked by @p_town_horn.

#2is#13424Texas by 10
4th_floor5228Texas by 24
AC4131Texas by 10
BabHorn4235Texas by 7
beer_dog4138Texas by 3
BevoJoe2943OU by 14
Bill in Sinton3835Texas by 3
blonthang4844Texas by 4
Buck-Horn99100OU by 1
bystander5249Texas by 3
caryhorn4239Texas by 3
chango4535Texas by 10
CraigHorn4541Texas by 4
Dionysus4845Texas by 3
Driver 84238Texas by 4
dukesteer3727Texas by 10
EDT4831Texas by 17
El Sapo3548OU by 13
Garmel3431Texas by 3
George Bailey4840Texas by 8
Giovanni Jones4948Texas by 1
Horn2RunAgain4140Texas by 1
HornHuskerDad5231Texas by 21
Htown775952Texas by 7
HTownBevo5047Texas by 3
IvanDiabloHorn4947Texas by 2
JYoung4738Texas by 9
KBBAKER3128Texas by 3
LongChuckles4524Texas by 21
LonghornCatholic4439Texas by 5
LonghornDave4821Texas by 27
mb2272322Texas by 1
militaryhorn3853OU by 15
NM fan4842Texas by 6
Olehornfan1731OU by 14
OUBubba4248OU by 6
p_town_horn3531Texas by 4
Pomspoms3145OU by 14
ShAArk924940Texas by 9
slowrider2452OU by 28
stanhin3545OU by 10
Statalyzer6462Texas by 2
theiioftx4138Texas by 3
ViperHorn4542Texas by 3
Vol Horn 4 Life3841OU by 3
zuckercanyon4855OU by 7
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