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Can I crash your tailgate? Need 1 for BYU


< 25 Posts
After 34 years on this earth and 25 years of Longhorn fandom, I am finally going to attend my first game this Saturday, and I am super excited about it! However, I am going to be traveling alone (not many UT fans up here in the home of the other UT), I was hoping I might be able to find someone who wouldn't mind having a complete stranger at their tailgate. I'll buy the beer! I'd just like to have some other folks to hang out with on gameday so I can get the full experience!

Oh, I need a ticket as well, but I'm not too concerned about being able to find one.
Just look for someone in orange, you’ll find a few. Seriously I cannot help with a legitimate tailgate but Bevo Blvd will be packed with good fans. With Bevo and the team coming in you’ll have lots of elbows to rub.
Glad you’re coming and Hookem.
Just look for someone in orange, you’ll find a few. Seriously I cannot help with a legitimate tailgate but Bevo Blvd will be packed with good fans. With Bevo and the team coming in you’ll have lots of elbows to rub.
Glad you’re coming and Hookem.
I figured that would be the case, I'm just awkward so walking up to some random person's tailgate isn't exactly in my wheelhouse. I guess I'll just have to suck it up!
I think you’re in for a real surprise. The tailgating does still go in but the scene is not the same with all the new parking restrictions due to construction, both completed and onhoing. But CDC has done a remarkable job replacing that with pregame activities. You’ll see.