Calvin Howell

We very much want and need Howell. At Texas, he would play close to home, earn playing time early and get a great education.
Sounds like a plan to me. I hope Mr. Howell agrees.
Great article. I know the Dausin family well and the baby brother of Howell's coach (Bryan Dausin) is a good friend of mine. Bryan is the shortest of the family at 6'5". However here is a little irony for ya, him & his brothers Ronnie & Chris (baby bro) all played OL/C for aggy. Chris even went on to play 3 yrs in the NFL.

Kinda funny that A&M didn't offer Howell considering the close ties with the Dausins.

The Link Check out this link and you'll see a picture of Chris standing inside their 26' BBQ trailer and Ronnie standing next to some crew in a red shirt. You'll know who they are when you see them standing next to others. They know big boys well, as is apparent with Calvin Howell. I'm all for Mack & Sally bringing this kid to the Good Guys!!!
Brian Dausin was the O cordinator at my High school 91-94. I was a captain and LB on defense. I was yelling at the offense, which was pretty inept during one of our games - and he grabbed me by the face mask and shook me around like a ragdoll, I thought I would die. I never said **** again to the offense. He was/is HUGE.

The next year, he was hired as the headcoach at Roosevelt, who is in our district and won the 5A state championship in his first year as a HC. (I may be wrong, it could have been his 2nd year) Hes a very good coach, but unfortunately one of the biggest Aggy homers I have ever known.
Tech boards are buzzing with rumor that Howell let his high school coaches know he's committing to Texas this weekend while he's in town for the Spring Game.

We'll see. Keep your fingers crossed. Howell and McFarland would be VERY nice.

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