Calvin Howell a Texas Lean

I do not trust Brian Dausin. He was the O-coordinator on my team in High School. He played O-Line at ATM. He is a HUGE Aggy homer. While I dont think he will be able to push him to Aggy, he would like nothing more to get Horns' hopes up, only to see them dashed by having the kid sign somewhere else.
that sux to hear.
Calvin, make the best decision for you. UT just has way too much to offer.
We are going to have a stable of DTs that can just kick people's asses the next few years. I don't know what exactly keeps bringing awsome DTs here (Brown or an assistant or reputation) but man have we been blessed with nose tackles and DTs over the last decade.
A stable of DTs?!! We are VERY thin at DT. If both Howell and McFarland commit they will both be looking at early playing time.
Saw the office last night. I think we need to get Dwight to go round up McFarland and Howell and do his thing:

"You're going to come to Texas, right"

"Say Yes"

"Say Yes, come to Texas, say yes, come to Texas"


Hopefully Mack saw that episode.
Is Calvin coming to a camp in June? I was under the impression that when his Mother could get to Austin to meet the coaches, we could seal the deal. Is that inaccurate?
Generally speaking, things have not gone the way of the good guys when these prospects wait a while. We need defensive tackles, Howell and McFarland know it, and if they were hot to trot to be Longhorns, I think they'd already have committed. I don't see this waiting as particularly good news for Texas.
I'm afraid you are righ coolhorn. The longer they wait the worse it is for us. Hopefully we can get at least 2 good defensive tackles even if these two don't want to come here.
from what i've read, texas is the clear favorite.... he seems like a good kid, so i hope he ends up committing to texas in the end.... there were little teasers on rivals last week saying "Howell done with OU?", so who knows.....

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