Bye Weekends - No me gusta


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A short week of rest & recovery for the men and planning for the 2nd half of the season. I know it’s needed and it’s only one week, but damn it, I deserve to be entertained 24x7!

Reminds me of the long offseason - I’m lost in the wilderness for 7 days.
That's why I took up drumming!
I was listening to TSU on YT yesterday afternoon and Trey and Jeff Howe were on. They were BSing about lots of non-sports subjects and Trey made a comment about TSU being the only "station" in Austin that talked sports all day and then he said, "Well, sports-ish" and then went on to talk about how it was an off-week for UT so they really didn't wanna talk about any of the other games because nobody who is listening cares. I thought, wow, he's right, I *dont* care about Alabama vs Ark, for example. Those guys think like I think. If it's not UT, I don't give a shiite.
The voters must have liked our game against bye. Horns are now 8th ranked. UNC is 10th.

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