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Duke was a stray Lostdaughter found at the post office in Austin in spring of 2005. When she had to travel for post season play and summerball, we dogsat Duke for a bit, but when she took him back to Austin he was not happy. So Duke quickly found his way back to Houston. He was a scrappy little guy, even if he was missing 7 teeth. He loved nothing more than to talk to you when it was meal time or to snuggle for a bit before bedtime or on a weekend morning. The last 4 years of his life were most definitely cushy!
We had to put Duke down this morning. He had spondylosis (degenerating discs in his back), and was at the vet last weekend for more issues with that. We also commented to the vet that he was breathing a little harder than usual the last day or so, as well. X-ray showed a mass in his chest, pushing on his heart , trachea and lungs. Duke was 14-15 years old, so we decided to treat the back issue as usual and watch the breathing.
Over the weekend, his breathing worsened a great deal and he began to lose interest in eating and drinking. Picking him up caused breathing spasms that lasted 4-5 minutes. So this morning we headed back to the vets. The vet agreed that it was time to say our goodbyes. Lostboy 2 and I were with him as he passed on.
So Duke is with Abby (our golden) now, who we lost to pneumonia back in October. They are now running a fenceline together again, Abby barking at a squirrel or other dog and Duke following her, yipping fearlessly at the same squirrel or dog!