Buffet Palace


25+ Posts
Is this place any good? I see their commercials all the time and saw a menu on the internet and it looked good. How much is it? Is the sushi included on the buffet? Thanks.
bc2, I have been there a few times and it is not bad.
It's really BIG, tons of food, but unfortunately I do not like sushi so that I cannot comment on.
If I did like it, there would be a big selection to choose from.
Won Austin's best buffet like five years running or so. It's pretty good, especially when price is a consideration. Now compared to Chang's, not really. It's better than most asain buffets you will go to, but not overly indulgent food.
Thanks. I have only had sushi a few times and haven't tried too many kinds. I don't have the money to go try a lot at a sushi house, and need a place where I can try several kinds at one time. I know their sushi won't be too good compared to a top flght sushi place, but I can get an idea of what I like and don't like.
quite possibly, and this is no ******* joke or stretch, but quite possibly the worst food you'll find ANYWHERE in austin. yeah, it's that bad.
imagine one of those high speed japanese trains powering through your bowels. from the moment the food hits your esophagus, you cannot find a toilet fast enough.
scally is correct. every time I have eaten at BP, which is really not at all anymore, I've experienced explosive diarrhea the likes of which Spud from Trainspotting would be envious.
that's what you get when you eat all the restaurant's supply of beef tripe stew and sushi filled w/ hamburger meat. **** dude, mix in a salad every now and then.
for buffets, i used to love buffet palace, but i like oishi sushi house (old mason jar) next to taj palace etc, a lot more now.
This place is a terrible chinese food buffet. They have very few actual main dishes. Plus, there's not real sushi, just a bunch of crappy rolls.
It's an Asian buffet in Austin. Either lower your standards and expectations or go elsewhere. Ate there once, I don't know if it was terrible but it wasn't good.
it's called Post Buffet Syndrome. it's where you feel like complete ****, need to vomit, and can't wait till your bowels get cranking. it's at its worst after chinese buffets especially. PBS for short.
When you raise the flag at Pancho's, you pull the intestinal evac lever on your bowels. they should give you a diaper with your water and silverware setup when you sit down.