

25+ Posts
Im here on base in lovely Key West Fl.Me and A Horn fan ar ehaving some friendly smack.And All the sudden A Buckeye fan comes in and tells us how much our conference sucks.You never seen a Sooner and Horn join forces so quick lol.Kind of awkward at the moment.This Num nuts had the gaul to say the Big 10 was better than the big 12.Needless to say we both shut him up real fast lol.Im gonna go take about 5 showers now..
Ive been in the Navy since 02 On A Destroyer for 5 years all over europe and the Med.Yeah I have stories lol.Not for here though.Ask my best Horn buddy who's a recruiter in Dallas lol.
Thank you for your service.

(I better get some karma points for this post considering all the other things that could be posted
Nah man,Thank the Marines and Army I havent done much else but partied.Never faced any real danger.rough being away from Tulsa though lol.Funny story 2 days before I left for bootcamp my buddies and I decided to go to Dallas and get tatoos.My RDC's gave me Hell about that when I got to Great Lakes.Not smart on my part lol. I payed for tha!!
You know, college is free to active duty personnel, right? Just kidding. Thanks for sticking up for the conference and such, as well as speaking the truth.
Back in the 70's lol, I often saw a Good Times Van lol cruising south San Antonio lol with a bumper sticker that read, "USS Virgin Destroyer" lol. Is that Navy humor lol?

Thanks for serving.
A Longhorn and a sooner joining forces.

That's an unholy alliance, for sure.

But thanks for putting the buckeye in his place. Good on ya!
Ha ha tell me bout it.You all outnumber me whereever I go so Ive learned to get along lol.Hell even become"Friends with most of ya"But this dude had the nerve to compare schedules when his damn team played every Juco,H.S.,Pop Warner team in Ohio to pad there Non-Con!!!!

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