Brock Cunningham


1,000+ Posts
Here's the play that led to all the madness last night. Was it a dirty play and probably a rightful flagrant 2, yes. But I'm actually ok with it. This team has looked lifeless in recent games, they came out and played like bad asses last night on both ends of the court. There have plenty of posts about this team having no leaders nor identity. Brock has been a shell of himself for sometime. Let's see how the team responds from here.

Side note- it's funny to hear Fran go from "basketball play... likely a foul... possible flagrant... may be a flagrant 2" in this clip.

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Brock has always had a very clear vision of where the line between hard play and dirty play is drawn. And he has always played right at the edge of that line. Last night he stepped over it, and not accidentally. It was a dumb and dangerous play, and it was the difference between a beaten down Tech team ready to accept the inevitable, and a team that played out the string with their hair on fire. It was the difference between a 12 point win and a probable 20 point shellacking.
"Hey mom, can you put $40 in my account, some of my friends and I want to grab Taco Bell and go to the basketball game before our study hall"

"OK guys I can get us each 4 shooters of fireball to sneak in the game. You buy the beer"

"Mom, I never made it to study hall, need $2000 for bail money for disorderly conduct and assaulting a peace officer"

In the moment, he made the wrong move. Bet it was an instantaneous reaction. was going to get in the way of the other player and instead of letting the guy run into him, his brain got protective and met the oncoming force head on.

I've done that a few times in my youth. I wasn't thinking about dirty. I was physical, but my brain just told my body to meet the force instead of accepting it (so to speak).
He's been around a while. He knows exactly what he's doing against Tech, and it was the wrong move last night.
It was a dumb and dangerous play, and it was the difference between a beaten down Tech team ready to accept the inevitable, and a team that played out the string with their hair on fire. It was the difference between a 12 point win and a probable 20 point shellacking.

Yeah, maybe so, but it fueled a sand aggy hate fire that will last for decades after we're gone. That fan base is just about as bad as Ohio State and it's great to have them pissed off with that sour taste of not only being beat, but beat up.
It looked to me that he initially was going to try and shield the tceh player from getting to the ball (which was why he was looking at the tceh player and not the ball) but didn't get there in time. He should have pulled up at that point as there was only downside to slamming into the tceh player. The fans throwing things on the court was fortunate in one sense in that it blunted the intentional foul call and there was only a two point (or three can't remember if tceh hit a 3 on the next possession) instead of a 4-5 point swing with 10 minutes left and we were already beginning to struggle on the offensive end. It also turned the next four minutes or so into a ft shooting contest and Texas was hitting its ft's last night.
In the moment, he made the wrong move. Bet it was an instantaneous reaction. was going to get in the way of the other player and instead of letting the guy run into him, his brain got protective and met the oncoming force head on).

That was my thought when it happened. I think he misjudged the direction the tech player was heading thinking he was angling more towards out of bounds but instead the guy was still heading up the sideline. It was a typical Brock hustle play to me.

I’m pretty sure Tceh didn’t need that play to spur a furious comeback because that was inevitable in that building against Texas. They had just comeback from 16 down at halftime to beat BYU in Lubbock. I’m glad their fans showed their asses and Texas manhandled them.
Hopefully, the behavior of Sand aggy fans is the final nail in the coffin and Cdc will never consider voluntarily playing them again in any sport. With real aggy and the pig people on a regular basis we don't need any more zealot hatred to deal with.
Grew up near Lubbock and their fans have been the absolute worst for 50+ years. The world got a small glimpse of the childish behavior that permeates the tt fan base. This is not abnormal at basketball or football games. Dont recall baseball being like that. Just the most hateful and jealous people you will ever come across. Cant wait to be done with them.
Brock as been an absolute scrappy player from day 1. He always has played tough and this warranted the foul but I liked it. No one ever complains about the assaults in the lanes or going for layups but that was out in the open and did incite the crowd. They are like sharks there and have zero sportsmanship as evidenced by the coach having to get on the PA and beg them to stop throwing stuff on the court. Doubt security hauled out the number of fans they should have but thats tech.
Too bad the guilty can't be McCsaland coach said, it's a few that initiated the garbage but some others will follow! No place for that behavior in any sport!!
Here's the play that led to all the madness last night. Was it a dirty play and probably a rightful flagrant 2, yes. But I'm actually ok with it. This team has looked lifeless in recent games, they came out and played like bad asses last night on both ends of the court. There have plenty of posts about this team having no leaders nor identity. Brock has been a shell of himself for sometime. Let's see how the team responds from here.

Side note- it's funny to hear Fran go from "basketball play... likely a foul... possible flagrant... may be a flagrant 2" in this clip.

Sorry, McCasland, but you are at tceh now. You can expect that kind of behavior on the regular. While I attended tceh the student body, en mass prided themselves on being obnoxious a-holes. Nothing has changed.

Re Brock: good on him. He plays into the margin of the rule book & to the echo of the whistle. Like OSU's coach said, "Every good team needs a player like him." Glad we are leaving Lubuttock with a huge W & a HUGE f-u to tceh. May we never return to that s#!t-hole. Embrace the Hate.

As Coach Vic loves to say, "Praise the Lord & Hook 'Em Horns."
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Funny how Brock is now the poster child for tt fans who hate Texas. I use the term fans very graciously because what happens in lubbock is in no way sportsmanship or good fans. They are rabid, loud and effect the game but anytime something doesnt go their way, there is always an excuse! Good riddance to the ahole of the state. Like Mac Davis said, "Lubbock Texas in the rear view mirror"!!!!

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