BO'What we said was


No Not what we said over and over for over 3 years. No even though you have it on record MANY times that I said< If you like your health care plan you can keep it Period".

What we actually said even though no one heard it was "Now, if you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed."

Ok Ok It took me and my handlers until Nov 4 to come up with that lie/ spin but Hey I am BO and I know that the media and all Dem pols will leap onto this interpretation.
All you people were just too stupid to not hear what I really meant every time I lied, er misspoke .

You REALLY didn't believe me any of those times I said if you liked your current health care plan you could keep it did you?
And Diane Feinstein said today "what it meant was you could keep your insurance and doctor until the law went into effect." These people are unbelievable. In all senses of the word.
Now Obozo is lying about his lies! What a tangled web we weave.......

No young people are signing up to pay exorbitant amounts for healthcare (when they can get in) they don't need. It's all oldies and people who couldn't get healthcare before -- the highest cost groups there are. The whole thing will collapse under its' own weight.
I think you are correct. IF it is allowed to continue it would collapse but at what cost?

I am hoping that ONE of the Dem Pol's bills that have been introduced to delay it one year will pass.
A delay would allow people to learn more and the more they learn the higher the anger at what a piece of crap it is.
That would lead to congress at least giving a serious look OT maybe even a bi partisan bill.
ANYTHING but this is BO's continued lying as he sinks the country under the weight of this crap
Well everyone in America should have read the fine print it was somewhere on page 34,000 and something our own fault. They need to dump this fiasco now.
Obozo, all dems, and all libs, will not allow this to collapse. It will be considered "too big to fail". They will tax and print enough money to see that it doesn't. It doessn't matter how horrible the law is or how much misery it brings to America.
then NOW is the time to stop it while enough people including a surprising number of elected Dems want to delay it,

It is starting to look like many intelligent Dems and even Dem talking heads of tired by BO lies
and are shocked, shocked I say at this latest BO lie
67.....A win today by the republican candidate for Gov in Virginia would be a nice place to start.
Wow. I am starting to think he is a sociopath. In several speeches and debates, I never saw him saying anything resembling this new claim.
Even though Bo said the same damn thing over 25 times, proven by video, the nytimes editorial board claimed he simpley "misspoke".
He should be forever branded as a liar. Adding to his lie is his belief that he can make his followers believe it. Sad thing is, those idiots do.
It is disturbing to see rags like the NYT( even though we have long known how lib they are) try to help BO mitigate his blatant and oft repeated lie.
Once the 16-17 million get subsidies to pay for their insurance-remember these are people who can make up to $94.000-once they get subsidies who thinks they will ever give that up.
They won't care that the subsidies come from taxpayers.

So now is the time to stop this , before it starts.
Expose all BO's lies and keep exposing the horrors that are within O care now
Zork - a great link. If he had actually given that speech we would have President Romney.

We also need to get real journalists who aren't dedicated to protecting him. They should be ashamed of themselves and of most of their colleagues. But they see themselves as heroes, saving Americans from evil conservatives.
Where is our resident myth buster to tell us we are all misinformed and that this is all made up by the baggerz and faux noise?
He has fallen behind. He has this lie to handle as well as BO's poll numbers being lower than W's

And now so many Dems are calling for a delay and saying less than worshipful things about BO it is likely depression is sitting in.
And as employer offered insurance changes to comply with BOs 10 essential services or the employers forgoes offering insurance altogether so all those people are dumped onto the exchanges think those people will forget Bo promised them they could keep their insurance ?

2014 will require BO and his minions to come up with some better excuses than the ones they are using now, for the measly 5% private insurance holders.

Wonder what concessions BO will have to give to the unions?
Mr Fiesta
You do find some of the best quotes.

However we now see that BO and his minions have adopted a new spin. Those millions who have had their insurance cancelled had " bad " or 'substandard" insurance . Thanks to BO they now have better insurance, ok yes they may be paying much more with much higher deductibles
and they may not have as good a coverage or may not get to keep their doctors
but Hey they now have maternity and pediatric care, even if they are in their 50s and early 60's

His lies just keep on coming.
Wake up America... the POTUS has lied to you. He is a lying sack of ****. Pain and serious money out of your pockets is coming

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