Bobby Carpenter

He also made another big block. In the back... For a penalty....
That I saw coming a mile away...

Maybe the refs should have called some of the obvious penalties on the Eagles while they are at it too.

Like the obvious offensive pass interference that was called on the defense and then the obvious holding call that lead the way for the touchdown right after that.

I know Dallas got away with a couple of face masks but those calls did not lead to a direct touchdown.
bobby carp is another spare tosu LB that sucks *** in the pros. they get 100+ tackles per year because they are chasing ****** big 10 RBs and TEs. once they see real speed they eat sheet.
Not to mention the non-call when McNabb threw an underhanded pass about 1 yard past the line of scrimmage. The play resulted in a modest gain, but a facemask penalty put the Eagles down inside the 20. How they missed that call, I have no idea!!
On that play they called the Cowboys for a Facemask at the end of the play but according to the new rules it should have been a facemask on both players. The Marion Barber rule was put in to keep RBs from grabbing a defensive players facemask on a stiff arm. Where was the call for that?