Board Readers are...

So I am driving the getaway car in the fake Bradford / Landry story.... well, Mr. Tramel is entitled to his opinion no matter how wrong or misguided some of his statements are.
Incredibly stupid.

For those of you who haven't watched, I'm posting the spoiler. Essentially, Tramel says that just by being on this board, right now, you're part of the problem that is the bogus Bradford post, and there's no excuse for what you do.

I post this because I think you shouldn't visit the link. Don't give them the traffic.
Yea, and we should do away with call-in radio shows as well
Seems like the Internet is the problem. If you're a decent person on the Internet, stop contributing to the peep show and get off.

Oh, and the computer software he used to put together the site, that's part of the problem too. All you web designers and graphic artists are just enablers, and you need to quit it.

Oh, and those who are undermining the athletic department's attempt to run a clean, dignified program (i.e. those of you who criticize coaches and ADs) need to cut that out too.


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