BO trade doc leaked?


if this HuffPo link is true a trade doeument changing the way the US will treat foreign companies who do business here in USA was leaked this morning. Hard to think this is true from link
'WASHINGTON -- A critical document from President Barack Obama's free trade negotiations with eight Pacific nations was leaked online early Wednesday morning, revealing that the administration intends to bestow radical new political powers upon multinational corporations, contradicting prior promises.

The leaked document has been posted on the website of Public Citizen, a long-time critic of the administration's trade objectives. The new leak follows substantial controversy surrounding the secrecy of the talks, in which some members of Congress have complained they are not being given the same access to trade documents that corporate officials receive. "
"The newly leaked document is one of the most controversial of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact. It addresses a broad sweep of regulations governing international investment and reveals the Obama administration's advocacy for policies that environmental activists, financial reform advocates and labor unions have long rejected for eroding key protections currently in domestic laws.

Under the agreement currently being advocated by the Obama administration, American corporations would continue to be subject to domestic laws and regulations on the environment, banking and other issues. But foreign corporations operating within the U.S. would be permitted to appeal key American legal or regulatory rulings to an international tribunal. That international tribunal would be granted the power to overrule American law and impose trade sanctions on the United States for failing to abide by its rulings.
"The Link

As pointed out this would put into place policies that BO's core base has long rejected PLUS go against what BO campaigned on.

I keep think the Onion is behind this and we will see this exposed as a hoax. I jnow BO in an election year would not do this, would he?
I like how so many of your threads include the phrase "if this is true." In your world, the horses push the carts.

And, no, I don't have anything to say about something that "may be true" posited by a person with a pretty shaky percentage on that issue. I can wait for facts.
Did you go to the huffPo link? I questioned it since I am not a big Huffpo reader.
BUT In the huffpo link are links to the document Public Watch posted and a link to a Congressman Issa site where he posted docs from this trade agreement.

You read the post and decide since I asked if this could be true that you needed to post a snark on that instead of the actual topic.
Do you consider huffpo not a trustworthy source? How about PublicWatch? do you think they would post as factual a fake BO Admin document? Darrel Issa?

So which source /link do you consider the least trustworthy?

and conversely which source would you consdier trustworthy enough that if they post the same information you would believe it enough to post an opinion on the treaty apparently being written by BO?

a typical little mind response
well, it certainly wouldn't be the first time he fvcked over american interests, lied, renegged on a campaign promise, and did it all in secrecy.
Oh snarkless Horn6721, how trying it must be for you sometimes around here.

Again, if someone starts a post with "if this is true," which you often do, I am not immediately interested in either pursuing the hypothetical case to be made nor am I interested in helping you determine what you should believe or not.

You may have noticed that I never consult you on what I should believe or what is true. I rely on my own judgment and experience for that.

So, no, I don't care to follow your link and make your determination for you. I don't have an opinion about the Huffington Post's credibility. You'll have to form your own.
so you are so NOT interested in pursuing whether as reported by HuffPo and others sources listed in the huff Po that BO is setting up a treaty which would be totally against what he campaigned on and totally against what his core wants

and you are so not interested in what the facts about this treaty are.
and when you see a post of mine you immediately know it won't interest you

YET you were 40% of the posts before this one of mine

thanks for keeping this topic near the top. I know there are poeple who DO care what BO is trying to do in secret
I admit I doubted Huffpo on this. i doubt Huufpo on everthing

but Mush's link backs it up

How will union react to the reality of this when this is exactly 180 opposite of what BO promised them.

amother aspect of this treaty may be the most disturbing of all, If BO has his way this is a open ended membership treaty, ANY nation could join at anytime

So China could join and we would have to let their companies screw USA sovereignty.

are you still concerned the Huffpo source i first linked is fake?
I scanned the articles. It looks bad. If it is as it appears and is presented, this may be a black eye for the president.

I have no idea about Musberger's source, either. I'm not sure the story is complete, but I don't know that it isn't, either.

Again, I can wait for more facts. I can also say the president has done something wrong.

Leftwich, I don't "attack" Horn6721. He frequently has posted threads with deceptive titles, misinterpreted stories and quotes removed from their context. I believe he is a rather shoddy sophist and ideologue based on this history.

When someone like that starts yet another thread with "if this is true," I am skeptical of his sources, his reasoning and his intentions.

I don't care that people vote differently than I do. In fact, I don't want everyone voting as I do because I have a proven track record of being wrong sometimes. Politics are not my religion. I don't have to believe "my" guys are infallible and the other guys are likely evil. That relieves me of the necessity of intellectual contortionism to maintain partisan purity.

I also recognize, and have recognized, that there are plenty of smart people on the right who operate the same way or better than I do.

It's sad that the modern political climate means the above statements can't be the assumed starting point for both sides.

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