If this is true BO has much to answer to us for>
This is a letter the House sent to hillary.
In it State is asked why th BO admin inisted the attack resulted from a video even when their own intel showd otherwise
But the kicker is that mulitple Fed officials confirmed to the committee that the Benghazi consulate asked for increased security that State Denied?
The Link
this is stunning and how maddening. What spin will the BO admin put on this.
i wonder if MSM will cover this in any meaningful way.
The ineptness of this BO admin never ceases to amaze.
First he sents guns into a foreign country that kills hundreds of mexicans and now he denies secutiry to our people he setn over there to represent us. He denies it in the face of all the clues.
I guess being Eye candy is more important than people's lives.
Please Dear God let BO go be eye candy somewhere else .
Edit to add
Now State has pulled all its people from Benghazi.. Guess the FBI won't be doing any investigation now. How convenient for BO
This is a letter the House sent to hillary.
In it State is asked why th BO admin inisted the attack resulted from a video even when their own intel showd otherwise
But the kicker is that mulitple Fed officials confirmed to the committee that the Benghazi consulate asked for increased security that State Denied?
The Link
this is stunning and how maddening. What spin will the BO admin put on this.
i wonder if MSM will cover this in any meaningful way.
The ineptness of this BO admin never ceases to amaze.
First he sents guns into a foreign country that kills hundreds of mexicans and now he denies secutiry to our people he setn over there to represent us. He denies it in the face of all the clues.
I guess being Eye candy is more important than people's lives.
Please Dear God let BO go be eye candy somewhere else .
Edit to add
Now State has pulled all its people from Benghazi.. Guess the FBI won't be doing any investigation now. How convenient for BO